NWT MISTAKES...OCer says, Does it Really matter?

by TheRecordCollector 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheRecordCollector

    I brought up the fact to the Overseer that I have found mistakes in the New World Translation. Not mis-translations, but honest mistakes.

    He said, "Does it really matter?"
    WHAT??????????????????????? OF COURSE IT MATTERS!!!!!!!!
    How could he say such a thing?
    Well, so much for being " in the Truth ", right?

    The Scriptures are supposed to be our guide to truth, and
    the OVERSEER of all people says, "Does it really matter?"
    He reminds me of the verse in the Bible that says,
    "The blind shall lead the blind, and they BOTH shall fall into the ditch."

    Why couldn't he just admit they made mistakes in printing,
    and correct them, and we go on about our lives?
    But instead.....it's like saying,
    "the NWT came from the faithful & discreet slave.....they don't make

    It remeinds me of the saying,
    "There is none SO blind, as one who WILL not see."
    One who closes his eyes and REFUSES to see truth.
    It was unbelievable. Honestly, how can I believe them, when they THEMSELVES refuse to acknowledge honest mistakes in their OWN BIBLE?????

    It is so sad. They contradict themselves left and right.

    For example;
    They teach that Jesus was the FIRST of God's creation, but
    at the same time, they teach that Jesus was FORMERLY
    Michael The Arc Angel!

    Well how could Jesus have been "the first of God's creation",
    if MICHAEL was BEFORE Jesus?
    Which came FIRST? Jesus or Michael????
    A contradiction.

    Or what about John 1: 1-2 (NWT).....
    "In the beginning the Word (Jesus) was,
    and the Word (Jesus) was WITH God, and the Word was >a god.<
    And this one (Jesus, The Word) was in the beginning WITH God."

    Now, they teach that Jesus is (was at creation) "a god".
    But in Deutoronomy:32:39(NWT), it states,
    "See now, that I - I am He, and there are NO god's together WITH me."
    ANOTHER contradiction!!
    But the witnesses say, "But does it really matter?"

    How can a "proclaimer of truth" even SAY such a thing!

    The New World Translation states that Jesus spit into the blind man's eyes.
    NO! He spat ON THE GROUND AND MADE MUD,and put THE MUD on the blind man's eyes!

    This is abosolutely REDICULOUS !
    How can an organization that CLAIMS to be Jehovah's mouthpiece
    spew such error, and then have the audacity to even JUSTIFY IT!

    I'll not list ALL the mistakes I've found in the NWT,
    that would take too long. But I believe in truth and honesty.
    Obviously, Watchtower does not.

  • recoveringexjw

    Well now you know what you are getting into. good luck in "Todays truth Tomorrows lie"

  • neyank

    No better statement has summed up the WTS 'truth'.

    "Todays truth Tomorrows lie"

    Now why don't the bible study (wt study) conductors tell their potential victoms this absolute truth about their teachings????

    Could it be that that one fact alone would prove that the WTS does not have the 'TRUTH'?

    Good statement recoveringxjw.


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