Congregation votes to rent house for Couple's School Grads? What's with that? Heard of this before?

by Wasanelder Once 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    A couple of grads from the "Couple's school" are now serving in the local congregation after finishing. They will be here a year. I asked what work he does. I was told he is a special pioneer. So that's a meager amount from HQ right? So where will they live I asked. "The congregation is paying rent on a house for them for the year, we voted on it!"

    Ok so what's the difference between that and a parsonage? ITs payed clergy no matter how you slice it. Is this more WT hypocrisy? I pioneered for over 9 years and the jerks could hardly cough up gas money. Is this like when they all vote to pay for the CO's expenses after his visit? We all know how voluntary that is.

    Have you heard of this before? It always pisses me off when they say they have no paid clergy. What a load. Give us your thoughts and experiences with this sort of BS.

  • Quarterback

    If they are Special Pioneers, then they would get less than what the Welfare system has to offer. If the rent is more than what that value is, then is is really weird.

  • A.proclaimer

    Never heard this happening but I did over hear someone in my congegation say they plan to build houses for missionaries and special pioneers. Free houses to live in. They may not get paid much money or hardly at all in a direct way, but they still get all the necessary needs for free! Plus, free food from the congregation when they come around.

  • joe134cd

    I've never heard of this. I know when they were building the assembly Hall on this country they were charging (the guy who was supervising the work)full rent for the society owned house. However after a short while the stopped when someone complained. I remember thinking at the time what a bloody cheek.

  • sir82

    It's pretty typical that there is some sort of "arrangement" for living quarters for special pioneers.

    In the US, the stipend is $600 per month, plus reimbursement for gasoline spent on "theocratic" activities, plus free health & dental care.

    For a married SP couple, in the vast majority of places, paying rent out of $1200/month wouldn't leave much left over for food, utilities, etc.

    But yes, absolutely, it is definitely 100% "paid clergy" (COs as well). By the time you add up the value of the free housing, free medical care, monthly stipend, gas & clothing allowance, etc. it is easily the lifestyle equivalent of probably $40,000 or $50,000 of income per year (in the US). Far from wealthy, but also far better than many of the JWs they are "serving".

  • LongHairGal


    Of course they have a clergy, but it is a plain-clothes clergy. Sorry they lied to everybody about it, though. The old, "bait and switch". Yes, it is quite sickening and the vomit wants to rise in my throat.

    But, this is probably what all the frantic talk of needing money is about:... they want to provide paid homes for their "classes" of clergy, COs, DOs, etc., etc.....Imagine the audacity of these people!

    Surely you have read other threads that talk about the religion possibly going in the direction of wanting regular (pledge) contributions from the JW rank and file (who were probably criticized for having full-time jobs).

    ...I can only hope that this is a last straw for even more disillusioned people there.

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