In the Bible God created perfect man and woman, they died about a thousand years after their creation and they had children. We are led to believe that again these guys are perfect until they sinned and then as time goes on each generation becomes more sinful and therefore less perfect. So why then is the earliest writings found primitive pictures and then basic symbols for a alphabet. I mean these guys were close to perfection so why could they not write better than we today???
Another problem with the bible and its stories..
by Crazyguy 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They tried it, but without "spellcheck" no one could understand it.
Jon Preston
How about this?
Adam and eve are chillin naked in the garden, all perfect and such....then God decides to tell them about this tree in the garden and if they eat the fruit, in that day they shall die. Well Adam and eve are so perfect and innocent they dont even ask God what death is. Nope they just keep living until a serpent with legs shows up and tells Eve the truth. That her eyes would be opened and aware of good and bad. Then she its it and get her hubby to eat. God gets pissed. "WTF" he says. So after God gave them an empty warning, set a trap for them, didnt tell them why he created the tree or why it was so bad to eat it....he curses them for apparently utilizing the free will they didnt even know they had....few. Then, since hes so pissed he causes an abracadabra magic change in their genetics and cuts The legs off the snake and makes him scoot around on his belly to eat dust (which they eat other animals....) forever. So i would say that based on this....Adam and eve werent perfect...and it raises some intresting ideas about how sweet and loving God is.....
LOL, in the JW interpretation of the Bible Adam & Eve were perfect; but IMHO they were more probably zombies until they ate the fruit and 'knew good & bad'- meaning they became human. And humans didn't seem to consistently get less perfect- Adam lived for 930 years, but Noah's grandfather Methuselah lived for 969 years. It's all BS of course, but I don't think humans then are portrayed as being any different to us.
Jon Preston
Heres something else God made a mistake on....Believers see if u catch on:
God actually thought that hares chewed their cud. It was an easy mistake to make, because if you put a rabbit in a cage without food, before long, you will notice it chewing something. Like many animals, it will eat its own feces, in order to gain nutrients from undigested material. It’s the type of mistake that a casual observer might make.
All winged insects that go upon all fours are an abomination to you. Yet among the winged insects that go on all fours you may eat those which have legs above their feet, with which to leap on the earth. – Leviticus 11:20,21
Has anyone seen a winged insect that goes on all fours? And, what’s up with “legs above their feet”?
And these you shall have in abomination among the birds, they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, the vulture, the osprey... the stork, the heron according to its kind, the hoopoe, and the bat. – Leviticus 11:13,19
Here is another mistake that a casual observer would make. The bat flies like a bird, but is actually a mammal.
As well, God seems to think that dragons (Isa 13:22), satyrs (Isa 13:21), and unicorns (Isa 34:7) actually existed.
I won’t take a detailed look into the creation account, since that was covered earlier. However, don’t forget that God made plants before the sun. He also created the various types of animals in the wrong order – the fossil record shows otherwise
again--this info is from "The Atheist Book of Bible Stories"