Do you ever get to the point that you almost can not handle the sight of a thread where someone is trying to justify bible gods deplorable actions? I must admit I have actually gotten angry over this and it makes me feel awful at times. For instance someone who acknowledges spending hours studying the bible and cross referencing etc... and they still find a way to acknowledge that the supreme god has somehow asked for this to be written and recorded.
Then those that say well I don't believe the entire bible just the parts that sound nice and that I am not ashamed to attribute to the guy I want to cuddle me at night. I love alot of the topics here... I really really do, but I almost feel like there are times that I am getting angry for no reason ROFL. It also spills over at times into my day to day life. Living in Florida people constantly find ways to covertly preach to you or try to forcer you into the religious camp for the most trivial of things.
I will admit for the years I was in Watchtower I had alot of issues with the bible and I did voice them but figured hey maybe I just don't understand. I never went to a library or did any research but the second I did I began to realize that things were wrong and I can't live my life chasing after fairy tales.
Has anyone else gone through this?