the comic (which you can find here) is pretty much everything i dislike about the wt.
if you've read it you'll see how they have added to/ taken away parts of the account to make it read how they would like you to read it.
in this version, lot's wife is a materialistic b*tch who got what she deserved and Lot is a hero who stood up to the bad Sodomite men.
No doubt you also saw all the wonderful images of people dying while fire and sulPHur rained down from the skies. And who says the wt don't provide for the "young ones"
The part about this that makes me really mad is that this stuff is aimed at children. When they grow up even the most perveted things in the bible won't phase them because they'll be used to it and won't even question it.
sorry if the link isn't working, computer's being annoying.
*if first link isn't working try this one*