Children's comic about Lot and his family on

by DuvanMuvan 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DuvanMuvan

    the comic (which you can find here) is pretty much everything i dislike about the wt.

    if you've read it you'll see how they have added to/ taken away parts of the account to make it read how they would like you to read it.

    in this version, lot's wife is a materialistic b*tch who got what she deserved and Lot is a hero who stood up to the bad Sodomite men.

    No doubt you also saw all the wonderful images of people dying while fire and sulPHur rained down from the skies. And who says the wt don't provide for the "young ones"

    The part about this that makes me really mad is that this stuff is aimed at children. When they grow up even the most perveted things in the bible won't phase them because they'll be used to it and won't even question it.

    sorry if the link isn't working, computer's being annoying.

    *if first link isn't working try this one*

  • baltar447

    Love how they whitewash the story lol. Where's all the raping and offering his daughters to be raped?

  • DuvanMuvan

    probably saving it for the teenager version.

  • KateWild

    The part about this that makes me really mad is that this stuff is aimed at children. - Duvan

    That's a really good point, but you have to give people credit where it's due, it obviously didn't phase you, but sadly it does affect many I agree, that is why it is a damaging cult. Information control is wrong and that what WT do.

    Kate xx

  • baltar447

    ROFL! It's amazing that anyone believe these silly stories anymore.

  • DuvanMuvan

    Probably why they have to teach them to people as children and stop them from thinking for themselves later on

  • DuvanMuvan

    Don't know if this is because it's on an iPad but none of the links are working now for me

    On just type lot and his family into the search bar and you'll see it


    Was this included??



  • LisaRose

    I remember reading this story to my daughter when she was a toddler. She and other children went on the stage during the Watchtower study (An elder was trying to get the young ones involved, but that was quickly shut down by the CO). Any who, she was quite an early talker and was able to say "That's Lots wife, she turned into a pillar of salt". She was not even two years old, was small for her age and had no hair yet, so she looked even younger, so it was quite surprising to everyone. I was so proud that she could name all the bible characters in the "My Book Of Violent and Inappropriate Bible Stories" that I never stopped to realize that I WAS ABUSING HER by reading this book to her. She loved this book and later learned to read by following along with the recordings. I think she was drawn to the dark nature of the stories. It's not even remotely appropriate for any child, but especially the little ones.

    My daughter was quite sensitive, who know how much damage was done to her by this. She is fine now, but she had fairly serious mental issues as a teen, including suicide attempts and hospitalizations. I don't think this book was entirely the cause, but who knows really.

  • sd-7

    Yeah, I particularly appreciated the connect-the-dots-to-form-Lot's-wife-as-she-dies-horribly children's activity. That helps my kids develop a lack of regard for the deaths of their fellow humans. Makes the whole 'dispensation of existence' thing a lot easier for them, I find.

    The question that lingers on my mind is, were they planning to explain to the resurrected Lot that they turned his wife's death into a connect-the-dots activity for children? I would imagine that would be considered pretty outrageous if someone did that regarding the death of any loved one. I seriously doubt Lot would've been just fine with it. That might explain why it was so easy to get him drunk later...


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