Inventor of MRI is a creationist? I'm shocked beyond measure

by will-be-apostate 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • will-be-apostate

    I'm watching the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham debate. There is this scientist (Raymond Vahan Damadian) referred by Ken who invented the MRI. Raymond says he's a young earth creationist, that he beleives the Earth was created on six 24 hours long days.

    How can somebody that smart completely ignore all the evidences that proves that the biblical view of Earth's origin is wrong?

    And what's this thing with presenting all these creatinist scientists anyway? Is that the way Ken hopes to earn credit and trust in his words?

  • ablebodiedman

    That's unusal for a scientist to come out and admit to creation.

    Pretty much guaranteed to kill his career.

    Scientists are well advised to keep their creationist convictions in the closet.

    Why subject themselves to being blackballed when all they have to do is keep their mouth shut?

    The circumstance is very similar to JW's who don't want to be disfellowshipped.


  • will-be-apostate

    He has invented - or is associated with the invention of (I didn't bother reading his biography yet) - a medical equipment that saves lots of lots of lives. No wonder he gives no sh*t to what other scientists may think about him, after all he has contributed to the mankind.

  • snare&racket

    For me it is insignificant either way, egyptian worshipers of Ra worked out the circumference of the earth using triganometry, Ra was still a made up god. Einstein was a deist, doesn't matter a jot to what is true.

    Arguments from authority are illgoical and unconvincing and make evident a lack of evidence.......because instead of presenting opinion, you should present evidence.

    Rsymond has been openly christian a long time as have the christians in science he works alongside. It is no threat to his career, because he doesnt write papers in journals claiming to have evidence for god this is just his opinion on a piece of video film, it isn't science....and that is why it is also irrelevant.

    3% of scientists (pew 2009 study) reject evolution and belive god created the universe. Check the names out for yourself, they are a small group and pop up everywhere, including Ken Ham's presentation. Being a medical doctor and inventor does not give you authority to speak for evolutionary science, paleontology, cosmology, abiogenesis, world history..... etc etc. But it doesnt STOP you from vocslising snd presenting evidence either, but none of them do, they just present opinion based on bible verses and hope that uninformed people will be swayed by their status.Scientists do not do opinion, they seek evidence.

    I interviewed a creationist biologist that helps write crestionist text books. He offerend NO evidence, just listed gaps in evolutionary knowledge not yet explored or resolved and concluded by admitting that he would always take scripture over scientific evidence as an authority. So it is important to know these things when you hear them.

    The easy solution is to simply ask......"show me your evidence and I'll believe you"

    By the way the biologist emailed me the next day and asked me to delete the interview and retracted permission for me to publish his answers.

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