Really interesting thread from this guy an undercover apostate?
by defender of truth 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No such thing! Why do you care?
Maybe. That forum is just plain weird. It blows me away how cocky these people are when NOTHING they have ever said has proven to be verifiably true.
What mind blowing thing has ever come true that they predicted, that would cause anyone to say "Yes...this is obviously the Truth"?
All these predictions that the "end is just around the corner" etc. would seem to point more to this NOT being the "truth". When have they been right about anything of significance?
I've said this before that a HUGE % of the flock are merely staying in because of family and fear. A low percentage really WANT to be in this and would bolt if given half the chance if their were no reprisals for doing so.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Wow.. Here's a quite from further down....... "I have also thought about that. And yes. I would definitely want to know. But purely for selfish reasons. If I knew how long we had to wait, it would help me decide treatment options for my son. Without knowing we are still trying for a cure. If I knew it was within 2 years or so we wouldn't. So yes, I want to know in a heartbeat. But it makes no difference in sticking it to satan and making Jehovah's heart glad" GET THE KID A CURE YOU IDIOTS!
defender of truth
^^ Good example of the dangers of thinking the world is going to end soon. That poor child..
Here's another couple of interesting quotes from the thread:
09 Mar 2014
Likewise, this line of reasoning should help convince us that using Bible Chronology to calculate the Last Days and Armageddon is faulty...Therefore, Jesus knew in advance the last days would begin in 1914.
He had all this knowledge, knew all these dates, yet still didn't know when the end would come. This shows that the date for Jehovah to unleash the Great Tribulation and Armageddon is not pinned to a specific event in Bible chronology...This proves that it simply is not possible to calculate the date or time of Armageddon using any form of numerology, Bible code or Biblical chronology.
The only way to know in advance when the end of the end will come is for Jehovah to specifically tell you."
09 Mar 2014
..his father the creator of all man who now has been forced into being the destroyer of man will be the only one rightfully to make this decision.
Jehovah loves his creation so much that he is willing to suffer through our many sufferings brought on by our arch enemy Satan so as to save up to the last one who is deserving of life...We need not be too concerned with arguing with anyone about bible doctrine because as our bible warns there are many who are thoroughly deceived who want us to waste time on them, in fruitless debates, consuming our precious time that we devote to finding individuals whom Jehovah has invited. Sly that devil is."