A useful comment on free speech from XKCD

by JeffT 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT
  • sparrowdown

    The right to free speech comes with the right to not listen or agree. Fair enough, good point Jeff.

  • Phizzy

    All "Rights" have to come with responsibilities and limitations.

    I have the right to listen to whatever Music I choose, but not the right to take away a neighbour's peace and inflict my Music on them.

    JW's have a right to believe whatever nonsense they like, but not to inflict that nonsense upon me, and certainly they have no right to demand that I respect their silly beliefs.

    I have the right to snigger, guffaw or ROTFLMAO at their beliefs.

  • cofty

    In many parts of Europe the right to free speech is limited. For example nobody can say racist things in public, they will be arrested and charged with a hate crime.

  • westiebilly11

    an american and a russian are debating which country has real free speech..

    american: in my country I can say anything about our president without fear of arrest..

    russian:..in my country I too can say anything about your president without fear of arrest...

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