In the March 29th 2014 BoE letter to be read to the congregations, this new donation arrangement is stated to be "an adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide".
This arrangement will remove the low-receipt Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide (KHCW) contribution boxes from kingdom halls.
Incidentally, this used to be called the Society Kingdom Hall Fund (SKHF) but this too never received very many contributions, even after it was rebranded and relaunched as KHCW.
So how to increase revenues - another relaunch.
This time the voluntary and anonymous aspect is being focussed on, with a 'group responsibility' mindset instead.
Don't ask the individuals to think about and contributing, ask the congregation as a whole, then fix it into a bank payment so it never gets forgotten and never decreases.
So why is this thread called 'double contribution'?
The letter to be read says that this money will be used to "support the construction of theocratic facilities wherever they are needed".
So how does this differ from the Worldwide Work contribution box, according to a 2005 Kingdom Ministry?
*** km 4/05 p. 1 par. 2 Do Good and Share With Others ***
One way we can benefit others is by sharing our “valuable things.” (Prov. 3:9) Our contributions to the worldwide work make it possible for Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and branch facilities to be built throughout the world.
So essentially, there will now be a contribution box AND a monthly congregation bank order to send money to the Society, which will be used for the vague purpose of constructing "theocratic facilities", whatever that may include.
Like docile sheep, JW's have been fleeced for decades. It's only getting more intense.
My suggestion, if there's any opportunity to ask questions on the night, is to publicly ask "If we already donate to the worldwide work which is also used to build facilities, what's the difference between that and this new arrangement? Why do we need to donate to both?"
Even if there is no opportunity to ask this publicly, discuss it privately after the announcement.
You never know, a simple thought like this might get congregation members reasoning for themselves, after all, JW's are notoriously tight fisted when they can reason their way out of spending money.