by deddaisy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • deddaisy

    [ Profile Above ] Re: HOW MANY AWAKES Would I Have To Sell? May 18, 2002 03:54

    either you're VERY BAD researchers, or you're WT-ites....I don't understand how you, MadApostate, can claim to be such a good researcher and seem to find, without any effort, the sources of the WTS writers' material for the AWAKE, yet not find, in all your research, the fact that REGI is , in fact, owned by the WTS...weird, huh?....It's too late, I've already submitted, weeks ago, all the documentation to:
    60 MINUTES
    Politically Incorrect
    48 Hours
    World News Tonight
    Good Morning America
    if in fact, they don't publicize the fact that you are nothing more than a hypocritical BUSINESS venture immediately, I could care less....They now have documentation on file and they will summons your organization when they have cause, which is all I'm concerned with. They now have it in black and white... the organization, the WTS, that deplores the military, does in deed, have stock in a company that profits from military applications. It's too late, it's in their files, in their hard-drive, for future reference.
    Isn't it strange, how "concerned" you were with the Calgary girl, that now you're nowhere to be found....

    you lose assholes......

  • Naeblis

    Someone is accusing.. MADAPOSTATE of being pro wt?? Ok now ive seen everything

  • SYN

    Maybe he simply overlooked this little thing by mistake? MADAPOSTATE PRO WT? Whatever...

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • rmayer32
    MADAPOSTATE of being pro wt??

    Yeah Right!!! Now that is laughable.


  • Amazing

    Hi Daisy: This issue has been around for over two years. I saw someone raise the question on the old H20, and did some additional research ... and posted the results there and here as well.

    The shares of Regi stock were donated to the Society, presumably the man who donated them did so for tax reasons since he sold 50% of the business to the Canadian Company called Rand Cam. He is like a JW. The stock is worth just under 50 cents a share, and the total value of the approximate 500,000 shares means that the Society owns about $2.5 in stock, and of course they get any dividends.

    The Society likely did not ask for these shares, but retains ownership nontheless, and while the Donor retains voting proxy, the Society gets the direct financial benefit.

    I am not sure how newsworthy it is for the news organizations you cite as having received your material. But certainly from a JW perspective it is newsworthy, and one more nail into the mounting pile of evidence that the Watchtower Soceity is a hypocritical fraud that has duped most of its 6 million members.

    I hope that the news agencies you contacted will investigate deeper ... and if there is more to it, such as the Society owning other stock in military or semi-political agencies, this will be newsworthy.

  • happy man
  • Gerard

    Get some verifiable facts on WT relationship to the US Departmenbt of Defense:


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