Thinking about D8TA's excellent post reminded me of something my husband said the other day,'don't these WT monitors ever doubt the WT after reading all this stuff?' Surely there are some who, after reading pages and pages of info that cannot be written off as 'evilpostatestuff'their consciences must trouble them . or do they really think the Org will save them at Armageddon, not God or Jesus? Or do they not believe the Bible at all, and couldn't care less?
Don't the monitors ever doubt...
by meat pie 8 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent question. I believe it is possible that they are not bothered by it, in the following way.
As the saying goes, "The best offence is a good defence" and I think this applies here. If "bad news" is given to a few devout bethelites by their highly respected senior Bethilite Overseers, as prep for their work as "monitors" then they can be fed them information (with suitable "spin") in a fashion that causes them to accept it as non-damning.
This is the way most cults deliver information, in a graduated method. Think about it: when JWs go door-knocking, they don't say "If you join us you won't get to enjoy most of the family celebrations you have now (Xmas, birthdays, etc.). If they said that right up front, they would win even fewer converts than they get now.
Rather, they feed them the "happy paradise" nonsense and get them hooked. Only after they have established a level of authrity over the study is it safe to slowly reveal the nastier stuff, with all the "spin" and double-talk to make it seem palatable to the unsuspecting person.
This works for "newly interested" ones, I suspect it probably also works for the really damning stuff (UN, dates, Mexico vs. Malawi, etc) when fed to devout bethelites who are being given a "special assignment" to protect "Jehovah's name from slander".
For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: -
Hi MeatPie: I suspect that there are two or three types at Bethel who monitor ex-JW forums. One type are likely the curious who have their own laptop PC's - or access to one - and check in from time to time, and these are the most likely to have doubts and concerns.
Another type my be in the Watchtower's legal department who confirm posts that JWs call in about, complaining ... and that may well be how the Society learns of certain issues, such as the time the flap happened over the "Flock Book" beings available on line.
There is a good possibility that the GB, or those just under them, have instructed certain Bethel personnel to keep tabs on various ex-JW boards for anything that they could use ... I suspect these types are fewer, and morelikely to either watch fr certain posters, or certain headlines for key information ... such as the NBC Dateline reports. These too may develop doubts, but their denial may be strong enough, and their monitoting limited enough, that they may not get the clue.
On the old H20 there were soem allegedly from Bethel who made posts, and these could be among the doubting types ... but unless we personally know of some, then it is hard to speculate - beyond the fact that IP addresses have been traced back to the Watchtower - so we do know, with other confirming reports, they do watch - for whatever reason.
Let's hope some of this is doing some good at the highest levels where is may count the most.
It took me all of 2 hours of surfing "apostate" websites and I was convinced - it was the happiest and saddest day of my life all in one. It would take a cold, cold, cold heart to read all of what's out there and not be affected by it.
There is a brother on the writing committee named Ray Richardson. He is from Ohio originally, I think, and he gave talks a couple of times at the KH I attended. I think that Ray would be one of the few who could read boards like this day after day and not let it affect him in the slightest. He had a personality that I would have a very hard time describing - org to his very core. He's been in the Brooklyn Ivory Tower most of his life, and he's a stone-cold believer.
I wonder if they have any of the sisters at Bethel monitor? HAHAHAHAHAH that was a joke. No woman could be cold enough to stomach all of this and still think they are in God's org.
No woman could be cold enough to stomach all of this and still think they are in God's org.
You obviously don't know my mother!
perhaps those who monitor know how false the organization is, but are too drunk with power to care.
You can serve God without serving the
"Organization" -
Remember, power is the greatest aphrodisiac. Don't see how that helps the GB tho!
"Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)
Good questions, meat pie.
That brings up a great question. I'm sure some of them know or doubt what the society does, but probably the majority of them are so acutely tuned in to the mind controlling powers behind the organization that they shrug it off unfortunately.