Another little morsel from me, I'm afraid!!!
The witnesses don't seem to apply this either.
by quellycatface 8 Replies latest jw friends
Another little morsel from me, I'm afraid!!!
The witnesses don't seem to apply this either.
Quelly, if you're going to start a new thread everytime you find a verse the witnesses ignore it might take a lot of work.
Sorry Laika, I'm just a bit crazy today.
I found 411 references on the WT-CD.
So are you going to expand on what you are saying; share your own reasoning?
Quoting the verse would be good, instead of expecting the 100's of thread viewers to go and look it up for themselves.
Here, I'll start you off:
(John 14:6)
Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Blondie, I am not very clever. I would'nt step into the ring with you!!!
It just made me think over the Easter hols - which actually had a meaning for me this year. The witnesses don't promote Jesus very much at all. I never really noticed it until this Easter.
p.s Thanks, Splash.
No ring...just letting others (not me) know where you are going with the topic. I'm not much into debate just reporting what the WTS says but not supporting.
Like other Denominations that see apostolic succession as a link to the Last Supper our former religion is trying for a 'sacerdotium' priesthood.
In other words Jesus didn't invite all his followerrs to the first Last Supper. An order was supposedly established where the 11 would serve the larger community in time.
It is interesting how many Protestants like Communion but don't like Transubstantiation.