
by sparrowdown 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparrowdown

    The borg expect people to spend every waking moment (pooping and peeing excepted) "workin for the man", in fs, meetings, personal study, praying, meditating on GB's infallibility, KH working bees, erecting statues of GB in the back garden etc etc. So between work, school, erands, shopping, home maintenance, mowing lawns etc most would agree that doesn't leave you much time.


    If Genesis account is to be believed then God provided Adam and Eve with some skins to cover themselves with, but nothing else.

    Everything else he expected them to do for themselves. That would have included long days of backbreaking work planting crops, finding shelter so on and so forth.

    With no mod cons it would have taken all their time just to do basic things. Did God expect them to spend every minute of every day navel gazing about how wonderful he is. Apart from the "pissing competition" between Cain and Abel there's nothing about them being expected to spend the best part of everyday "praising the lord" while they starved to death. They were expected to care for their own physical needs, and that needed to be their priority.

    Because if they did'nt the human race would have died out then and there.

    If everyone in the world lived as a JW. Then civilisation would disintegrate within a few short years. Because there would be nobody doing anything.

    Would'nt it?

  • prologos

    sparrowdown, good observation, but even the poop&p-- time is supposed to be covered by theocratic activity, having mags to read for field service preparation, meditating--.

    in the new Faith book, even the Noah family had worship night in the ark. under open torch lights, the methane notwithstanding.

    nothing should keep wt worshippers from worshipping.

  • sparrowdown

    Maybe you could read the mags whilst bombing battleships (pooping).

    Ha ha, methane on the ark -good one prologos.

    With all those animals farting maybe the ark would have become the first airship if noah did'nt find land.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    fter the flood slavery was invented and since then man has don a fantastic job of enslaving men

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