Much ado about what Satan said!

by exWTslave 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Satan said:

    You will become like God, if you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and bad. (Genesis 3:1-5)

    Jesus said:

    You will become like God, if you love both good and bad people alike. (Mathew 5:44-48)

    What Satan and Jesus said is one and the same thing—we can become like God, if we fulfill one condition. Trying to become like God is not a sin, but is the very purpose of life, and is the ultimate spirituality.

    By retelling exactly what Satan supposedly said, Jesus was actually rejecting the Satan account as given in Genesis. Jesus is not aware of the theory that all humans became sinners when first parents became sinners. He knew some are righteous, hence does not need a saviour. Hence he declared: “I came to call sinners, not the righteous.” (Luke 5:32) He was only echoing an earlier statement in the OT: ‘The righteous do not need an external saviour.’ (Habakuk 2:4) His stand will remain unchanged even when he comes second time: (Mathew 16:27)

  • WTWizard

    Not to mention, Satan was trying to liberate mankind from joke-hova's tyranny. Were it not for Satan, we would have had full communism by the time Christi-SCAM-ity came around, and it would have been global. Anyone rejecting Satan is effectively rejecting freedom in favor of full communism.

  • Shanagirl

    The Serpent in the genesis story is a Messenger of the True God who came into this imperfect, inadequate and material world to wake up and liberate man, to show him his true situation and what his great destiny could be like. For this reason, those who follow the orders of the false creator god consider the serpent to be something malicious and satanic and in all this confusion liken it with satan.

    The creator god wanted to create man like the other living beings, incapable of distinguishing between good and evil but the Serpent's actions woke them up and liberated them. According to Gnostics, this knowledge, this Gnosis which the Serpent Lucifer brought to man, undoubtedly caused a great cosmic disturbance in the creation. This is how powerful this knowledge is. Gnosis causes changes in those who receive it, in those who listen to it because it is not common or current knowledge, it is liberating knowledge.

    Gnostics of later times, at the beginning of Christianity, who came to be known as Christian Gnostics or Gnostic Christians, regarded Christ as the Serpent of Genesis. This was because Christ, much later than the events in the earthly paradise, came carrying a liberating message, just like the Serpent. A message which frees man from this impure world. These Christian Gnostics believe that it was this knowledge which allowed man to make contact with the other world, the one opposed to the demiurge: the unknowable world of the True God.


  • Crazyguy

    That's some good stuff, thanks for the scriptures.

  • exWTslave

    Those who created the story of Satan might not have foreseen that later Jesus would use the same wording as Satan used in the fictitious story of temptation, as given in Genesis. Satan is not real. If he is real, he would have known the shape of earth as being round, and would not have taken Jesus “to a very high mountain” as to show him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. (Mathew 4:8) Here Satan reflects the eroneous knowledge of the ancient people that earth is flat.

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