I remember that the watchtower teaching about human history was about 6000 years, but it seems loosen up a little bit, I am not very sure where, a public talk or another speech, but I definitely heard human history over 10,000 years at least, anyone any thoughts?
human history
by alwaysthinking 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nope. Human history still starts with Adam, around 6k years ago. The WTS consistently ignores all the evidence that humans have been around longer.
I agree with K99, I think WT only go back 6000 years as far as humans are concerned, having said this WT deny being young earth creationist. They say all the timescales in the bible are symbolic. You never know there may be nu-lite about this soon. They can always pull "it's symbollic" out their back sides can't they.
Kate xx
*** w12 10/15 p. 22 par. 2 Obey God and Benefit From His Sworn Promises ***
"Having reviewed his creative works, Jehovah God announced the beginning of a seventh day—not a 24-hour day, but a long period of time during which he has rested from further works of earthly creation. (Gen. 2:2) God’s rest day still has not ended. (Heb. 4:9, 10) The Bible does not reveal exactly when it started. It was some time after the creation of Adam’s wife, Eve, about 6,000 years ago."