Just wondering what hotels are "approved" and what the rates are?
Hotel list for the Landover International Convention - how do you find it?
by insearchoftruth 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hahahahahahaha! You can't be serious?
Landover, Maryland. My god, that brings back horrid memories. See, having been a child of the 1980's, I recall a different Landover Maryland venue. I recall my parents packing us all into a car and heading down nearly 2 hours on the absolutely crazy and traffic ridden I-95 DC beltway to get to the old Capital Centre. At least that place was (slightly) air-conditioned. It was July or August. It was 1983. I was 4. It was days upon DAYS of what is now considered "old light". What torture for a hyper little kid such as myself. Then, we got the "priviledge" of staying at a Society "approved" hotel efficiency appartment room, that was total crap. It was the last time my father ever stayed at anything "Society-Approved" ever again. Any warning in the KM about not doing so was perpetually laughed off by him after the 1983-84 summers.
I couldn't imagine going down into the mid-summer DC heat dressed in a suit listening to religious doctrine for 8-10 hours a day in an OPEN AIR VENUE. The Capital Centre was torn down years ago and a mall stands in it's place. I was the WTBTS would have been torn down with it. People will dropping over left and right from heat stroke. It will NOT be pleasant, I can assure you. People didn't give a crap when we were there 30 years ago. People won't care now. JW families will still let out a great sigh of relief at seeing their own beds upon returning home from this convention. Same sh*t, different decade.
- Wing Commander
You can usually get a better rate on your own. Using the list means the society gets free rooms, but it doesn't mean it's a good deal for you. But why go to the convention? Take a real vacay and go somewhere nice where you don't have to wear a suit.
I would much rather do that, and I may as my wife goes to enjoy three outstanding days of outdoor heat and humidity in Landover......
The Cap Center was the best venue. I went there all during my pre teen and teen years. The 4 sided big screen tv over the stage had all of the scriptures and highlighted points. I have very fond memories of that arena and met so many people. Every once in a while the society couldn't get it and we would end up at RFK stadium which was outdoor and awful. When I was about 19 they lost it and we started to go to Vet Stadium in Philly...talk about a yearly nightmare of actual deadly heat. I am a nurse and worked first aid and we ran a mini hospital with beds and medications. We had falls, heat stroke, women in labor,dialysis patients, heart attacks. One year the heat index reached 129 and they put up an air conditioned tent on the field. I will never forget that.
The Cap Center was one of the few things I remember fondly. Several marriages came about as a result of the laps around the concourse level.
One year we were going home from the Cap Center and there was a guy walking down the center of 95 in nothing but socks and shoes. I must have been about 10 or 11. Police couldn't get to him because of the traffic. I thought my mom was going to die lol.
Hotwire.com is my recommendation for approved hotels!