I have been having some interesting low level conversaions with people I know about various aspects of JW dogma that touch on the controversial to gauge reactions.
One conversation has been about evolution and that JWs do accept evolution to a certain degree since it is the only way to explain the variation in life we see now since the flood supposedly wiped the slate clean 4000 years ago. This has lead to some interesting blank, slightly confounded faces but I've then gone one step further about the evolution of doctrine.
So for example, I've had conversations about the fact that we (the royal "we" that is) have always had the but truth doctrine has evolved. I have used the example of how Russell believed that Jesus was present in 1874 and 1914 would see essentially a rapture before the world ended. Doctrine was then changed and has been modified over time such that now Jesus assumed kingly power in 1914 and the world will not end, just have the bad guys destroyed and everything put right. The doctrine is not the same yet has been the truth all the time.
Given that this evolution of doctrine through adaptive bullshite is no problem for most dubs to swallow hook, line and sinker, I really don't understand why they cannot accept the same principle it comes to natural selection.