BREAKING NEWS ! 89 Jehovah's Witnesses lost their homes in Valparaiso,Chile

by raymond frantz 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    89 Jehovah's Witnesses lost their houses (Read full article here)

    News are coming through now , 20 days, later about a fire that destroyed the houses of 89 Jehovah’s Witnesses in Valparaiso,Chile. According to ,on April 13, 2014 a wildfire started by strong Pacific winds destroyed most of the old city of Valparaiso, that lies in the coastline of Chile.The fire destroyed almost 3,000 homes and thousands were displaced as a result.So far the authorites have reported 15 people dead ,one of the them a Jehovah’s Witness.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    BREAKINGNEWS 3000 people loose there home including 89 Jehovets Witnesses....

    In adversity a community/ organisations should come together and not catagrize who receives aid...

  • sarahsmile

    Hopefully the former JWs will get help!

    Awful, it is just awful!

    Prayers are going to the people of Chile of all different faiths and non faiths.

  • punkofnice

    I'm sorry for these poor folk.

    Sadly the Governing Body will not lift a finger to help. In fact the GB are probably only upset that there goes some of the money they wanted.

  • BluesBrother

    A dreadful just goes to show how blinkered our mainstream news services are - I had no idea about this.

  • cultBgone

    Thanks for posting, what a sad day this was! (((hugs))) for the families and friends

  • objectivetruth

    Punk - You may be wrong, the GB probably will lift a finger to help..... (their image any ways)

    Theyll probably fly in with a Rand Cam equipped helicopter and shake hands with the poor brother and sisters.. Then they'll say don't worry friends, things are tough in this system, but the end is near.

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