Just think about it. The "richer" congregations giving off their surplus to the "poorer" congregations around the world. "From each according to their ability to each according to their need". The maxim of Karl Marx. Also, the branch is taking over donations and the individual congregations pretty much have no say so on it especially if a new renovation or KH needs to be built in their area (another area could be prioritized over them for God's knows how long). And I guess no dissent is tolerated even by the elders or they are removed by the CO (who has more power to do that now) So what do you think?
Is the new donation arrangment communism?
by toto555 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nope, it's Capitalism. It's a new stream of revenue for a publishing/real estate development corporation posing as a religion, nothing more.
new hope and happiness
So true Anddontcallmeshirley: And thats all there is too it.
The Watchtower.....still getting fools to donate to thier WWW. (World Wide Waste)
It's a candy coated idealistic mirage of the distribution of wealth.
This appeals to many Witnesses because it conjures up a teary-eyed version of the "New System" - the 'spiritual paradise' in action!!
In reality, it is a calculated business and legal maneuver.
It is total communism. Before, if you had a congregation that donated a lot, they could fix their building or pay off a loan. At which point, they could ride debt free for a while (that is, until the washtowel decided they needed a new building). People could donate whatever they felt like, and much would stay within the local congregation.
Now, it all goes to the central pot. You are now supposed to donate a pledged amount every month, and it goes into the Worldwide Damnation Fund. This pledge is not subject to downward revision, in case your financial situation goes down. And, it is not just for a fixed time. It is permanent. This money does not stay within the congregation, and it takes the central body to determine who has the right to use it and for what. It is effectively "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need". They are required to donate to the maximum of their ability, and they get the bare minimum of what they need. Communism.
Sorry, but I'm just not buying it that their new pledge/donation arrangement is to "help poorer congregations around the world". I don't believe this for one minute. Oh, maybe they'll build a cheap facility here and there but that's about it....
Bottom line: In my opinion, I suspect the whole pledge thing is basically all about housing for DOs, COs and lawsuit payouts. The religion wants to keep its higher-ups taken care of for the rest of their lives.
All the B.S. about "theocratic facilities" is just a smoke-screen to coerce the remaining gullible JW rank and file members (who were told not to get college or careers) to feel better about parting with their hard-earned money.
I feel sorry for the few friends I have that are still stuck in this religion and thinking it is "truth".
The "richer" congregations giving off their surplus to the "poorer" congregations around the world. "From each according to their ability to each according to their need".
No, it's not communism; it's just a money-making scheme. There will be no surplus going to the poorer congregations. Money flows one way in JW land, and I think we should all know which way that is.
Consider, for example, disaster relief by the org. It's a huge money-maker. They get free labor and they buy cheap materials. Then they get insurance checks for the entire jobs. So all the money that would have gone to labor goes straight to the org. They probably even make a profit on the materials since they buy in bulk and negotiate deals. They don''t even pay for food and shelter for the volunteer workers. Such is provided by locals or by the workers themselves.
Sorry, but I'm just not buying it that their new pledge/donation arrangement is to "help poorer congregations around the world"
WT has printed several accounts of such-and-such cong. in some Middleofnowhere Third World Country that desperately needs a KH, but they are $300 short of having enough funds to build. Does the multi-billion $$ WT simply give them the $300 so they can build?? No! They make those dirt poor JWs continue to struggle and save until they have the money they need. If helping these poor JWs was a priority, as WT claims, then stories like this wouldn't exist. So, they continue to meet in some lean-to in the jungle until they have enough $ to build. Such is the mindset of WT.
new hope and happiness
So true ADCMS ...And thats all there is too it.