Jesus and the Money Changers - Matthew 21:12, 13

by Oubliette 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    It occurred to me that there is a particularly relevant scripture in connection with all the recent changes regarding donations, pledges, loans, tithing and all the rest:

    • Jesus entered the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. And he said to them: β€œIt is written, β€˜My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a cave of robbers.” - Matthew 21:12, 13

    And yet, few JWs drinking the kool-aid will see the hypocritical nature of the WTBTS's financial practices.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    So true. Yet, when the men-worshipping JWs are told by WT that it's "all for Jehovah", magically hypocrisy transforms to Theocracy, and all is well in the Kingdom of the Deluded Sheeples. As long as JWs hold onto the fallacy that the GB speaks for God, no level of absurdity or hypocrisy is too high to combat the self-imposed gullibility of the masses.

  • designs

    Said a wondering rabbi living off peoples handouts....

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    A witness walks into the kh. No one knows him. He has 12 buddies so it's great for attendence records lol. He proceeds to grabb the contribution box and rip it out of the wall.

    Elders aproach him and ask what is wrong. He screams: "Kill me I will be back in 3 days ha ha." The elders try to pysically shop him by his 12 goons keep them at bay.

    He throws the money box down and scatters coins, envelopes and checks all over the floor. The 12 goons help themselves.

    As one of the elders darts for the phone the witness names Jesus screams at them that they are sons of bitches (offspring of vipers)

    The elders and upset by fear the congregation since so many hate them (the elders) and this Jesus dude is being rallied on by teens and 20 somethings.

    Jesus now takes the curtains an makes a whip and started to chase the elders out of the hall screaming at them: "Stop making my father's house a house of contributions!"

    Half of the witnesses leave. Half stay to hear the wisdom Jesus has to say. Jesus tells them to eat his flesh an drink his blood. All but the 12 leave.

    Jesus looks to his firends and asks if they want to leave.

    Pedro says: No boos. You're to coolest dude out there. Besides you showed those elders up!

    Jesus mutteres something about a Judas in the group and leaves a deserted KH.

    Good story?

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