To label fiction as fact is never justified nor should it be condoned.

by new hope and happiness 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    The bible is held up by many christians as the word of God, and as such many Christians base their entire moral fabric on the bible which they perceive figuartivly penned of God.

    So do the posters on this site, be they christian, athiest or agnostic agree that the books that make up the bible should be held to the light and if they are myths, and fiction that this should be exposed?

  • Seraphim23

    I’m a Christian and yes I think the bible should be subject to such test. Mind you I am not a literalist or a fundamentalist. I tend to hate what I call biblical idolatry and its attendant virtual worship of a book written by human beings.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Yes Seraphim agreed. And discussion boards are place for free thinkers ti discuss is the bible fact or fiction, is is truth or is it propoganda. Maybe a combination of both and by what degree does it wrongly appeal to the emotions.

    I raise these points because in my case the bible made me rasist, and with free thinking and open discussion i now realize there was no justification in me beliving such noncense.

  • Seraphim23

    There is no doubt that the bible often does have the effect of reinforcing unhealthy and morally dubious attitudes. I find it interesting though that some of what Jesus said about the bible of 2000 years ago, which was called `the law and the prophets` or old testament, seems to discourage an over reliance of their bible as the ultimate source of authority. This gets missed unfortunately by many who read both testaments. As well as this, the priestly system and the prophet system were always at odds with each other. The priestly system was akin to the right wing side and the prophet system was like the counterbalancing left wing side. This self-correcting system only worked when the two sides worked together, but the implications of all this is fascinating and should be a cause for great concern for those who place the bible so high, that it might as well be a God!

  • Phizzy

    I think that most well educated believers recognise the Bible for what it is, but they still feel they can glean some truth, faith, and guidance from it, they often say to those of us who have mainly rejected it " do not throw out the baby with the bath water".

    The problem is the "baby" (the Bible) is a problem child in so many ways.

    I think it is wise in life to recognise that many things presented as fact are far from accurate. History for example, along with various "Surveys" and "Studies" etc all of which must be taken with a sack of salt.

    But to use another hackneyed phrase, "Don't shoot the Messenger", wherever you find truth it is simply that, Truth, wherever you found it, or whoever told you it. That is something JDubs fail to recognise when they refuse to look at what they would call Apostate Sites or material.

  • LisaRose

    I went through a phase where I didn't have a bible in the house. Recently I obtained one, because I wanted to see if there was something there that I was missing. Yes, there is some wisdom, I especially like the part about the fruitage of the spirit. Unfortunately there is also a lot of things that are just plain wrong as well, so my bible has gone back on the shelf. I will keep the few good parts in my mind, but I do not believe it is inspired.

    I have a book I read every day, it's called "Simple Abundance". It has a thought for each day of the year, about living simply, being in touch with your spirituality, being authentic, and finding your purpose in life. I find it is much more relevant to my life than the bible.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thanks for the replys. I should add its not just the Bible. Reading " Tje Diary of Anne Frank" the pack of catds fell down for me with.

    25th match 1943 " We are told not to make a sound. The walls ate that thin"

    5th August 1943. Anne writes how Mrs Van Daan had the habit of using the vacumn cleaner each day . ( these were very noicy in 43)

    Well as i say that got me investigating and sadly my opinion now is that this book was written by others based on a poorly written diary that Anne actually did write. I think it has also achived such critical claim its overshaddowed more deserving and genuine childrens memoirs that painted a less angelic victim.

  • galaxie

    Human beings do not exist because of the bible.

    The bible exists because of human beings.

    Take many human beings, different cultures time zones, incomplete ancient texts, argument, counter argument, agendas, power play, additions, subtractions omissions, blind faith, fear, coercion, indoctrination, inculcation, justification for personal gain.

    The bible only has relevance if you need it in your life. Perhaps its the reasons for this need considering the list above that should be questioned.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So labelling fiction as fact has distorted our understanding of history, but what about the labelling of food?

    Selling food is big business, and recently it has come to light that horse meat has been used in Mcdonalds burgers and Donner Kebabs ect ect, when the products have been sold as made entirely from beef or lamb. This is also presenting fiction as fact and in my opinion not justified. Does the false labelling of food products bother you?

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