Interesting.... I have already signed ! campaign
by sp74bb 6 Replies latest jw friends
Me too. I signed up. These petitions need all the support we can give them. Remember, every little bit counts!
Knowing TTATT brings a certain responsibility to simply make people aware of the facts about the WTS, to the end that the collective GB beast may be put under some reasonable limits and that people’s minds can eventually be freed from the oppressive bondage to manipulative and illogical BS. (Not to mention hopefully saving even one child or baby from being denied a necessary blood transfusion.)
This is a war of information. Let’s let the light shine!
Ha Ha - My interview with the Independent is still be being banded around
Here we go again....
Think of Steven Unthank - he instigated changes to the laws in AU for dealing with child molestation. Step-by-step, slogging through the system One never knows!
It's a click away. It's a well-written (seriously, I was impressed) document, and the petition almost has enough signatures (5,000) to be formally filed.
Check the link,, g'head. Come on.... I know you want to. ;)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead