Another Blow To Anglo-American World Power

by metatron 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I'm surprized at the speed at which these foolish missteps by the US keep happening.

    You may see a powerful move against the dollar by Russia and its allies before this fall. It will not cause the dollar to collapse but neither will it be without consequences.

    I believe that Winston Churchill made mistakes that guaranteed the end of the British Empire. Now, President Obama - and a Republican Congress seem poised to accomplish much the same with regard to the US.

    It's a bit sad - but a multipolar world might be a more peaceful place.


  • kaik

    Anything that is falling is right now Russian ruble. Russia with economy of 1/6 of that EU or USA has no way to challenge either regions. Russia itself is 1/2 of power of former USSR and is getting isolated every day with its military adventures in Ukraine. In any case the Bajkonur closure for USA space program will only hurt Russia. USA can find another way to work on its own space program.

    BTW it was not Churchill who disolved British empire, it was Adolf Hitler and Japan that bancrupted it. Even today, 70 years after WWII, Britain trails in almost every measure behind Germany or France. Both countries have larger middle class.

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