When you were
by JustVisting 6 Replies latest jw friends
Hold back a lonely single sister from working at a KH remodel in order to get back at her for complaining to the CO about your lack of concern for her general spiritual welfare?
Would like to know if this kind of BS or other similar shenanigans you former/current elders can honestly admit to.
Sorry, smart phone.
When you were an elder did you ever...?
Wasanelder Once
Sorry, I may have been in a cult, and I may have been an elder, but I wasn't a jerk.
Our elders try to 'keep the peace' in the congregation.
If a local gossip starts a rumour, the elders investigate the one being accused and even if there's no evidence they ask them to make adjustments "for the sake of the congregation". It's created lots of problems.
They frequently use their own judgement instead of following the rules.
One day they will do this and expose themselves to some serious comeback.Splash.
So many things, including “working at a KH remodel,” are supposedly considered “privileges” and are therefore subject to being doled out at the discretion of the local constabulary (hierarchical low-downs; i.e., elders & COs).