So, we all remember the old "special needs room request" form from the old District Convention arrangement. Those with accomodations in bigger cities where the District Assemblies were being held would provide a room within their homes to house brothers with nominal resources. At times, however, where these accomodations were unavailable, the congregation itself would put up the funds to assist brothers with the cost of the room (on the list).
So now, here we are with and the need to access it in order to fully acquire wisdom. It is being promoted throughout the world as the tool to gain accurate knowledge. What about those with special needs though? Those that cannot afford the price of even a cheap tablet? Where do they go? What do they do? I say, someone should recommend a "special needs tablet request" form. The congregation Service Committee can scrutinize the individual requests, verify that the person making the request is in "good standing" without the propensity to look at "improper material" on the Internet, etc. Then, after approving the request, the form could be sent to the ORG where funds from the WWW can be used to provide this life-saving tablet to the needy bro or sis. There could be a list of "approved" tablets whose names are not in some way related to pagan rituals or who don't help subsidize Christendom.
Good idea?