WT's 1914 vs. Jesus Christ's Message on Matthew 24:36 & Acts 1:6

by ProfCNJ 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ProfCNJ

    This striking thought just came into my mind.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "Concerning that day and hour, nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be." Matthew 24: 36-37 (Revised New World Translation or RNWT)

    In Acts 1:6, 7: "So when they have assembled, they asked him: "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" He said to them: "It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed to his own jurisdiction."

    The message is clear from both verses: Only the Father knows that day - the presence or coming of the Son of Man - whichever way you want to put it.

    That being said, if the Governing Body or faithful slave has exactly identified 1914 as the start of Christ's ruling or his invisible ruling in heaven has begun, would that not be too presumptuous of them? Would that be beyond pure speculation - more than what the apostles had wished?

    In effect, if the GB has identified this date which, according to Jesus Christ his Father only knows, then that makes the GB more knowledgeable than Jesus, the head of the congregation. In simple terms, if the Father only has the knowledge when that momentous day will come - whether Jesus' second coming or his presence - then who is the GB to determine it with sharp precision, much less teach it as an absolute truth?

  • bruh2012

    Good points. Yet the forefathers of this religion decided 100 years ago to start in motion a legacy of ignoring this most clear instruction for christians down to our today.

    You will find many other verses that is ignored for the self preservation of a lie for control and power.

  • lriddle80

    Great point!! Thanks!!

  • Crazyguy

    I believe it the last study artichle of the January 2014 paragraph 17 were they state that again they know the season.

  • designs

    The out has been that one thing was to have occured in 1914 distinct from the start of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon which the Society is not claiming to know (although 1975 was a pretty clear statement by Fred Franz).

  • ProfCNJ

    Crazyguy, I quite recall that study article. Still the point remains. It's not for anyone to draw conclusions about the date - not even Christ's apostles. Who are we then, including the Governing Body, to single out 1914?

    Honestly, why fix a day when God or Jesus Christ has begun ruling in the last days? God is our Creator, our Ruler, from time indefinite to time indefinite (Psalms 90:2). We love and serve God not because of any reference to particular date or season. Our faithful obedience should never be a function of any specific date. Having said these things, would 1914 still matter?

  • ProfCNJ

    Hi designs. Whether 1914 is Christ's return in an invisible manner or the outbreak of Armaggedon is beside the point I guess. Message of Jesus is very clear as the sky w/out clouds. Days or seasons of significance are reserved to the Father. It is He alone who knows it. Any attempts to second guess, speculate or otherwise preempt such determination is contrary to Christ's clear message. It is an exercise in futility.

  • Jeffro


    The message is clear from both verses: Only the Father knows that day - the presence or coming of the Son of Man - whichever way you want to put it.

    JW dogma about 607 and 1914 is, of course, entirely indefensible. From the butchering of the history of the Neo-Babylonian period right through to the changed claims about what Charles Taze Russell predicted for 1914, it's a lie, plain and simple.

    But arguments about Matthew 24:36 & Acts 1:6 only go so far, because they only really say that no one else knew at the time of writing. (Not to mention the fact that those stories are entirely unverifiable anyway.) Saying that no one then knew when it 'would' happen doesn't really suggest that no one else could ever know.

    Far better to stick to the fact that JW claims about 607 and 1914 are just plain wrong.

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