Hope -And A Conspiracy Confirmed

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    Just because the 'Truth" is nonsense doesn't mean I don't hope for a better world.

    In recent years, there have been a lot of people on the fringes complaining that the Western world in particular is ruled by an unaccountable elite. They may call them "the Illuminati" or "the Cabal" or just "the Elite". This has been dismissed by the mainstream. However.....

    A new paradigm is rapidly emerging in which these powerful malefactors are now called "Oligarchs". This has now entered the mainstream with a Ph.D dissertation being quoted as above (The Economist) making the rounds on the internet.

    Now, it isn't a bunch of hooded bankers sacrificing to Satan but it captures the important point all the same: a few rich and powerful people who run most of the world.

    So, I am very happy to see this idea being exposed because that would be the first step towards overthrowing it - and stopping warmongering, debt slavery, scofflaw banking and more.

    Things are accelerating. A better world, IMO.


  • im stuck in
  • designs

    im- you're giving conspiracists a bad name

  • DJS


    Here we go again. We have to stop meeting like this. "Idea being exposed?" "Overthrowing, stopping"? "Things are accelerating?" Geesh man, at least by your mentioning the Illuminati and other conspiracy theories we clearly know where your head is planted on this.

    Rich and poweful people have always ruled the world. Why? Because they can. Humans aren't much different than other primates, where the biggest, baddest chimp, ape, etc. ruled over the others. And got all the girls and stuff. Did you know that some geneticists suggest that Genghis Khan is the ancestrai 'father' to 1 in 200 men? It wasn't because he was a ladies' man. He conquered much of the world during his life, and his military reign was noted for extreme brutality and genocide. He slaughtered his enemies (at least the guys). As a result he was able to get most of the money and any girl he wanted.

    That's just one example. The oligarchs have been around a long time. The US limited their power a bit in the early 20th Century, but because of math - and simply because they can - they will always regroup, get richer and more powerful and use that as influence to control things. This isn't a conspiracy, Met; they do it because they can. Economic downturns (recessions, depressions, wars, etc.) typically leave rich people richer afterwards.

    There was an article a few weeks ago that suggested a "maximum wage" is necessary to help address the types of things you seem to be trying to say. N. European countries have established living wages and tried to address the wage disparity in other ways. Minimum wage increases iin the US s a part of that mentality. But none of this has anything to do with conspriacies. It has evolutionary roots; we try to re-distribute wealth, level the playing field and bring about economic equality/justice because as humans we are trying to separate ourselves from our primate cousins and evolve as a society to be inclusive. These notions are relatively new to humankind; the vast majority of our history humans weren't much different than the rest of the animal kingdom. The fittest survived. And if they didn't give a rip about the rest, they typically had the power and resources to eliminate them.

    Geesh man. We gots to stop meeting like this.

  • metatron


    The above is a definition of conspiracy, as you seem confused about what the word means.

    Yes, the rich and powerful have always existed but 1) in past times, there was little or no claim to being a democracy and 2) the extremes of inequity in wealth and income now exist to a degree not seen since the Great Depression.

    I have never observed the mainstream media openly admitting that the US is NOT a democracy. This is new - and it will have effects.

    Furthermore, we now may reasonably be on the edge of radical, permanent changes brought about by technology that will dramatically alter human society.

    Such as: longevity/anti-aging solutions, new/free energy sources, and information sources freely available to all as never before.

    Imagine that the average human could have access to all the libraries in the world in their shirt pocket. Oh, wait.... that's already pretty much true.

    Things are changing dramatically because it can't be otherwise. Simple as that.


  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Designs LOL

  • villagegirl

    Main Stream Media ? This Internet was a result of the Government of the USA

    giving selected Universities money and a vague mandate to create a communication

    system by hooking computers together somehow. There was no "main stream media"

    without distribution systems ( created by governments ) and hig speed printing presses

    and a universal system of free education K-12 for everybody living in the Western World.

    Telephone lines were installed by the government to span the nation. Telephone lines

    became the basis of the Internet. The routers that facilitate this conversation were invented

    by two Stanford graduate students using their own money to form what we know know as CISCO.

    What IS "mainstream media" ? TV ? Newspapers ? Internet ? How do we get this stuff ?

    First we need to be able to read ( public education) then we need electricity and things to

    access information on, like TV's and Radios. Electricity was financed by taxpayers

    and the infrastructure of stringing electricty across the entire nation was another government project.

    Starting in 1881. With electricty there could be light and heat and RADIO ( 1920,s)

    that was main stream media. Radio, up through World War two.

    TV in every home. That was after WW11. Highways, were a government project to unite the nation.

    Factory produced, production line cars for every man was an industrialists idea, the model T.

    This enabled the development of cars and trucks who then delivered Mail and Newspapers.

    Newspapers were the only "mainstream media" until the development of Radio, and then TV.

    Since the US and Canada had constitutions that protected freedom of speech ( sort of)

    there has always been open criticism of Land Barons and the wealthy. Ever see the movie

    "Its a Wonderful Life" made in 1946 is a sermon on the evils of big business and power.

    The Magna Carta or the Great Charter of Liberties of England, later to form the basis

    of the American Constitution, was written in 1215 and its purpose was to limit the power

    of Kings, establishe property rights and establish a commitee of 25 Barons who could

    could at any time meet and over rule the power of the King. This led to the statute of Laws.

    Charles Dickens 1812-1870 wrote about the evils of the wealthy and the abuse of the poor.

    The French Revolution, 1789, was inspired by the writings of Rouseau,in essays like The Rights of Man.

    In other words; the "main stream" media, in whatever form it took, was always complaining

    and exposing the "unaccountable elite ". You simply were not paying attention, because the WT

    created in your mind the idea you were somehow isolated from both history and the rest of

    humanity and existed in a safe protected place in the "organization" Reading only what you

    were instructed to read. One of the favorite sayings of Witnesses is some gleeful and excited

    gossip that always goes : "They ( the mysterious they ) have never come out and said THAT

    before." As if some new tibit of information means things are "happening" things are really

    "happening" and all that happens is, you get another day older and deeper in debt.

  • DJS


    Excellent summary. Thanks. I'm trying hard to give Met some space. The RCA (root cause analysis) of most of his rants is narcissism and ego, as it is with most if not all consipracy theorists (only they have 'special' knowledge or 'get it' while the rest of us are mindless drones believing everything the government tells us).

    However, beneath all of the nonsense he routinely provides on this forum (and it is I suppose entertaining to some degree), there seems to be left over JW angst as the basis for a lot of it. Met was likely drawn to the Borg based on the paradise earth and all that it would bring - including an end to men lording over men and the huge disparities we see in wealth-much more than the rest of us were. For that my heart is touched, as we all shared a bit of that when we were 7 of 9 (Star Trek/Borg reference - look it up).

    Still, the conspiracy theorists among us do not help any who are coming out of the Borg or trying to establish better lives post-Borg. The theories are very easy to dis-member, but the theorists, because of the way they think, won't listen. It's identical to relgiion in this manner.

    Anyway, very nice post VillageGirl. I'm glad you're here.

  • metatron


    Uh, yeah, right........

    There's the 'mainstream media' and the 'alternative media'. I did not invent these terms, they are now common parlance, whether you like it or not. The present contrast of the two terms is because something basic (and mostly good) has changed.

    Yes, the media - in whatever form- helped us get to where we are, as with Peter Zenger or the abolitionist press or protest against the war in Vietnam, bringing some measure of betterment to society. However, we are now seeing a remarkable democratization of information and news that is upsetting the status quo. This is why the NY Times is having such recent trouble! You could see this as a long term trend and that's valid. I am just emphasizing the acceleration of recent years.

    Let's not forget how we got to this site! The Watchtower has been forced into all sorts of decline because they cannot control the internet. After 130+ years of deception, they are being forced into change by this democratization of information.

    I do believe that the internet (which as you brought up, began as ARPANET) is already helping to prevent war and expose corruption across the world. This is a wonderful part of human evolution, as a society. It is truly a hopeful, wonderful thing.


  • Syme


    What you grasped is correct, but did you need a recent PhD assertion to realise it? It is not news, no news at all.

    What you described is not some big secret: it is called CAPITALISM, the economic system on which most countries of the world are based. The economic system that enables a 1% of a given population to thrive on the remaining 99% by exploiting them. And it's no new system, it is some centuries old.

    And we don't need any 'conspiracy theories' and New-Age analyses to reveal it; do you know a guy called Karl Marx? He explained them all more than 150 years ago. Everything that is going on in today's world, was thoroughly foretold by Marx in his writings. He was not a prophet, he was a thinker who used the scientific method to explain history and society.

    So, if you want to learn deeper how the world's engine works, get over the Cold-war anticommunist propaganda, and read Marx.

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