Removed like the Gong Show. I lost count somewhere after the 3rd time. On a T school nite about 6 pm i stopped by the s/oversneers house..
he had the instruction talk, i had the bible highlights and a service meeting part, we shot a few baskets and drank couple of glasses of
peppermint schnapps,190 proof!! it tasted good. The meeting started at 7:30. My boy didn't show up! so i had to do his part, walking up to the
platform it hit me like a sledgehammer, WHOA!!.. everybody knew!!! ..oh shame, shame
something else came up a few months later (i forget). They took away the pee/on thing but i was still doing service meeting parts ect. what a JOKE!
altogether gonged about 8 or 9 times give or take a time or half a bout y'all?