Do CO's and DO's have actual residences? My understanding is that constantly travel so they wouldn't really have need of one, would they?
What do DO's do between District Conventions? How many circuits does a DO usually Cover. Again these are unpaid positions right? Do they get an allowance. I know CO's generally get an envelope from the congregation, whose's giving DO's money?
I just wanna know how this racket works.
YERUSALYIM "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!" [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
I'm not sure whether this is global, but in the UK, District Overseers tend to live in a flat in a Circuit Assembly Hall, like in Bowes Road, Hellaby, Bristol or Dudley. Circuit Overseers generally live in a flat above a kingdom hall. They always try to build accommodation in at least one hall in every circuit.
Many years ago, DOs and COs travelled constantly living from a suitcase and trunks of their cars, along with their wives. They stayed in publishers homes constantly. Wives had same schedule of service as their husbands. Many cracked up. It was a hell of a way to live.
Later, the benevolent Society allowed the travelling servants to locate in a central home base and their wives were relieved of much of their tedium. One district servant's wife I knew, and really felt sorry for, she finally cracked up, she was forced to sit through on Saturday nights, hundreds of times while her husband narrated and show the Societies film , New World Society in Action.
Now regarding what DOs do when there is no circuit assemblies is they go serve with the CO for a week and counsels him on his activities with one cong or another. That is the way it was when I was in. Maybe some one else can post any changes that have taken place since then.
Some COs I know are lucky enough (or should that be "fortunate enough"? ) to have a place of their own, and their circuit is adjacent to where they live.
Most COs I knew when I was growing up weren't so "fortunate" and so they have to stay with the brothers. Some have their own caravans so at least they have some privacy.
The Catholic Church is quite open about how it runs. It doesn't COERCE people to give money, and has more charities and distributes more funds and goods than any other organization in the world.
The Catholic Church's clergy don't claim there is not a clergy "class" as does the JW clergy. Priests and bishops are paid a set salary regardless of what their parish takes in.
Priests and Bishops generally don't impose themselves on families.
YERUSALYIM "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!" [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]