Would someone please layout for this simple soul what the wts is doing re 'donations' or 'pledges'. Is the box at the back of the kh to be done away with?
All this talk of Money
by zebagain 5 Replies latest forum suggestions
They are designing plates . . . with a picture of Armegheddon on one side and a picture of Paradise on the other. These plates are going to be passed around twice a meeting. LOL.
What it is that's happening is that they are going to take all the surplus money out of the individual bank accounts of congregations and put them towards creating new posh buildings for the boys on top. So whilst all the congregations struggle with money, they move into swish new buildings and live the high life with booze and air conditioning. Ok, perhaps no booze but definately air con.
They a legalised theives under the guise of a Christian veneer.
in the UK the london branch has recently paid over £900,000.00 for a luxury house in north wales. ( there is a long thread on here ).
someones got to pay for it.
The kingdom hall construction box got done away with.
Its now a monthly congregation pledge that comes out of the Local box.
Congregations with loans have no loan "on paper" anymore but are supposed to continue sending in the loan payment or more. (how generous!)
Congregations basically can't have more than about 10 grand on hand. (may choose to have less - how loving!)
All the rest goes to branch for "the greater good worldwide".
So if you have $200,000 in the bank saving for a new hall, you are expected to cut a check to the branch for $190,000+ by the end of the month. If you don't comply, you will find out what the 11th plague was that Jehovah had lined up for Egypt as a backup.
That's the 2 minute version.