Sorry I wont be spending so much time here

by ballistic 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    But I've found this site which has filled a gap in my life, answered many questions and I am taking steps to become a member.

  • Dutchie

    Hi Ballistic, is it your plan to monitor these steps, or....?

  • ballistic

    I'm going to go on the tours of UK motor way steps of course!!!

    by the way, this site won 2nd place the most useless web site in the world competition run by the big breakfast in the UK, and was written by a friend of mine.

  • Cassiline

    Hiya Ballistic!!

    I wish you happiness on your journey.
    Um,er, don't 'stumble' anyone. And for the love of God don't let someone stumble you.

    PS. Could ya see about getting me one of those prizes listed below? You never know when a brick could come in handy!
    PPS. Please make it one from the Beacon Brick Company, in mint condition of course!!

    As you can see from these pictures that have been sent in the amount of effort and expense that goes into these structures is amazing. I really like the one on the right as it shows the new style hand rail which is widely being adopted by constructers. For those interested the bricks used are made by Beacon Brick Company and are specially made for the steps. We have some of these bricks in mint condition and we will be offering them as prizes in future competition's.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'm speechless...Does he really HAVE friendS???!!!
    Are you always out when he calls??!

    Tell you what...If we meet up, you bring him, i'll bring an awake mag and then we'll really see who deserves the most boring title...!!!!!!
    Check your email...x

  • Matty

    I've now got a perfect location for the next congregation picnic - the brothers will love it, thank you ballistic!

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