God Appointed An Organization In The Year 1936 (means JWs lost out!)

by abiather 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    Here are the excerpts from an article (published in an international magazine THE WORLD RENEWAL, April issue of 2014) written by a former JW. He says he started searching for an organization that appeared on the world scene after 1935, which follow Jesus 100%. If Jesus is real, there should be some organization copying him 100% knowingly or unknowingly. And he found an organization following Jesus 100% unknowingly. Jesus’s promise will naturally be applied to them: “The kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.” (Mathew 21:43)

    When the world entered into the peak of irreligiousness and unrighteousness in the first half of 20 th century, it was time for our Heavenly Father to plant a seed for New World on earth. His attention turned into a 60-year old person, named Lekhraj, in Sindh (Pakistan). He was a diamond merchant, materially very rich; yet he was a spiritual magnet who perfectly met the qualification of Mathew 5:3. God blessed him, in 1936, with six visions, one of which was (of 3-hour duration) about the end of the present Dark Age. In this vision, he saw the destruction of materialistic America and Europe (by the weapons they themselves have amassed) and of Gulf countries and other third world countries (by civil wars and natural calamities)—within 100 years from 1936; and in the later part of the vision, he saw how God brought in a New World of peace and prosperity on earth.

    God renamed him as Brahma (bra = great; ma = mind) which identified him as one who treats everyone, WITH A GREAT MIND, as own brothers and sisters (Mathew 23:9), and commissioned him to spread the message to all the inhabited earth. He immediately sold his diamond business, started a residential school, adopted over 300 female little children, gave them both secular and spiritual education for 13 years, and sent them to all countries. Thus resulted a great, mighty, world-wide organization known as Brahmakumaris (meaning, virgin daughters of Brahma) headquartered on the top of a literal mount—Abu, Rajasthan, India. (Compare Isaiah 2:2-4) Their overseers are all women whereas men (Brahmakumars = virgin sons of Brahma) have supportive roles. Thus it’s God’s reply to men who monopolized religious leadership throughout the history! It has been experiencing a phenomenal growth. [JW’s India Branch is in Bangalore, and they have around 10 congregation in that city, whereas Brahmakumaris have over 300 congregations in Bangalore alone]

    Their appearance on the world-scene ties in with Bible chronology. Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 586 BCE [testify numerous sources such as (1) jewishencyclopedia.com; (2) Catholic Encyclopedia (3) Encyclopedia.com; (4) The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, page 1016 (5) Bible-history.com (6) Newworldencyclopedia.org; (7) Britannica Encyclopedia…..………. …..etc]. Hence “Seven Times” (of 2520 years) ended in 1935 (585 years of BCE + 1935 years of CE = 2520 years), and in the very next year God acted, planting a seed for the New World. (Daniel 4:10-16)

    The Brahmakumaris organization is unique in that they practice EVERYTHING Jesus taught us with his very life—including celibacy, an outstanding feature of his life style!

    Now to be objective on the subject, let us do a simple exercise, making a chart of major things Jesus said and did, and replace his name with the pronoun he, and ask the world: “Whose characteristics are they?

    Here is the chart:

    1) He talked to his heavenly Father from “very early in the morning (Mark 1:35; John 8:1, 2), then again during the day, evening, and sometimes even in night. (Luke 5:16; 6:12; Mathew 14:23)

    2) His life itself was a meditation, as if always doing, in principle, an open-eyed meditation, as he kept his “eyes single.” (Mathew 6:22) He had the real eyes that saw the eternal behind the ephemeral, or the SOURCE behind the resources. (Luke 11:27, 28; 18:18-19) He radiated his heavenly Father’s qualities so perfectly that he could declare that: “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30)

    3) He practiced celibacy, viewing all women as his own sisters. (Mathew 23:9) hence never looked at a woman lustfully. (Mathew 5:28)

    4) He had a great mind (brahma, in Sanskrit) treating God as his Father and others as his brothers and sisters. (Mathew 23:9) Because of this, he was never influenced by his fleshly family members and relatives. (Mathew 12:46-50) He was like a bride towards God who is also called “husband” (Isaiah 54:5) and doing God’s will was like intoxication to him. (John 4:34; 6:38)

    5) He declared God as the supremely Altruistic (Shiva in Sanskrit) and the source of all good gifts. (Mark 10:18; Mathew 7:11 compare James 1:17)

    6) He knew he was a soul, had existed before in Heaven, and would return to heaven after earthly life. (John 5:24; 6:38, 62; 8:42; 13:1; 17:5) He taught that our Heavenly Father is “spirit,” or incorporeal. Thus he implied all His children are also spirit beings acting in physical bodies; hence are the exact representation of His very being. (John 4:24; 6:63 Compare Ecclesiastes 12:7 and Mark 12:26-27) He also taught we can choose to be peaceful and pure souls, and become the children of God. (Mathew 5:3, 8, 9) Hence he could ask us: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Mathew 5:48)

    7) Every soul carries within it a sanskar (unique personality traits or basic tendency) of one’s own making and acts accordingly. (Mathew 12:35) Many may not choose to change their sanskar, hence will repeat their acts when they are born again.—Luke 16:31 Compare Mathew 11:14; 12:32

    8) He believed every action (even an unproductive word one utters) has equal and opposite reaction. (Mathew 12:36; 23:12; Luke 6:38)

    9) He declared vices such as lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride … as originating from body-consciousness, and showed perfect control over them.—Mark 7:21-23; compare Galatians 5:19-21; John 16:33; 1 John 2:15-17.

    10) He said the purpose of life is to become like our Heavenly Father, manifesting His qualities in day-to-day life. What is required is only a change in attitude! (Mathew 5:44-48; Compare Genesis 11:6) This is achievable for anyone, if he wills so; because Spirit is more powerful than the body. (John 6:63) Moreover, such ones will automatically be helped by the Father. (Luke 11:13)

    11) This Dark Age will be replaced by Golden Age. (Mathew 12:32; Mathew 19:28) Through many illustrations (Mathew 13:34, 35) he provided some insight into the history: at the start of Golden Age population will be small and will gradually increase (Mathew 13:31-33); first half of history will have all divine features, but second half will become demonic (Mathew 13:24, 30); the first half is reserved for the pure (Revelation 22:14) and the second half is for those who turn to impurities like lust, anger and greed. (Revelation 22:15 & Colossians 3:5; Mathew 8:11, 12; 21:43; John 9:4; and 11:10) Some who are convinced of the inheritance or “the kingdom of heaven” will use all their assets in favor of their knowledge (Mathew 13:44, 45)

    12) He knew that before the Golden Age comes, the present decadent world will come to its destruction with the stock-piles of deadly arms man has manufactured. (Mathew 24:21; 26:52)

    13) He taught that people will be judged on the basis of whether they have loved Light that has come into the world or not! (John 3:19-21)

    14) He had full of praise for Abraham (Mathew 8:11; 22:32; John 8:39, 40) about whom the Bible says “God was his friend” and “was proud of being called his God.” (James 2:23; Hebrew 11:16) Why? Because Abraham and his family had a guest-attitude while living on earth, considering themselves as “temporary residents” here, which meant they always lived in remembrance of ‘returning to their original home, a better place.’ (Hebrews 11:13-16 Compare Philippians 3:20) He, like other spiritual people, viewed the world as a drama stage. (1 Corinthians 7:31; 1 John 2:17)

    15) He stated men and women are “images of God,” hence equal. He chose to reveal the most important spiritual truths to a woman who was from a “low” caste community called Samaritans, thus elevated the standard of woman. (John 4) He declared that projection of woman as inferior was the result of “hardheartedness” on the part of some ancient men, which obviously has nothing to do with Scriptures. (Mathew 19:4-8) God is not partial to any nation or religion; but goes by fruitage one produces. (Mathew 21:43)

    16) When all the men whom Jesus personally trained deserted him, “many women” stood with him at the direst moments of his life, ministering to him. (Mathew 27:55) He praised woman as having keener insight into future and spirituality than men (Mathew 26:10-13 Contrast John 6:60) and appointed woman to impart vital spiritual truth to men. (John 20:16-18)

    Now ask the world: Which organization does these things? “That is what exactly Brahmakumaris do,” people with keen insight will answer! Similarity between Brahmakumaris and Jesus is not a coincidence! Basis of God’s children is always the same, it never changes. (Mathew 5:44-48; James 1:17) Hence all Christians—including JWs—can actually be proud of Brahmakumaris who collectively prove Jesus is practical, and who remain pure and help the world as light-bearers in this “time of the end.”–Compare Mathew 24:3; 25:1-13.


    Uh, I have a hunch that your psych meds have stopped working. Better call your shrink to get re-evaluated....soon!!!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Celibacy? F#ck that. Beware any cult that denies our true human nature. Nor did Jesus ever teach or preach celibacy. God made us with a libido and lusts.

  • Laika

    Hey abiather! Did you get bored of posting as ExWTslave?

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