I have read with interest the discussions on this board and many good point have been well made, especially Uncle Bruce. But over and over I keep thinking Why do we need a god??
Are we such weak creatures who stand by and hope and yes I mean hope that there will be an end to injustice?? I'm not just talking about war, famine etc I'm talking about the prejudices that run so deep within society, that are not addressed and thus people suffer.
The black race has suffered such injustices and still do. Rated as second class citizen with hardly any hope of social mobility. The US is built upon 'cotton money' the UK is built upon colonisation.
You may feel that my examples have proved that we can not do anything ourselves but I believe that we can. I believe in the power to change yourself. I don't think it should take a divine revelation or a great war with the nations. If there was a benevolent and wonderful father in Heaven then why would he allow such suffering?? Why should generations of people suffer to prove that he is almighty?? Ok, maybe you would say' well he has the power to ressurect" but so what?? Even the ressurection is fraught with injustice in that the bible indicates that the children of the ressurection would not get married, how can that be fair?? they'd have to sit back and watch all those other families together, procreating whilst they themselves are almost eunuch like.
Religion is a man-made philosophy because some people can not believe that this is it, we are here and then we're not. It is for weak minded (and yes that used to include me) people who are afraid to take responsibility for themselves or the world around them. Wanting a god to rescue us, is the same as still wanting your mummy or daddy to come and sort you out even when you should be independant. Sorry if this offends any one but honestly I've given this loads of thought and you won't change my mind
Peace and love to all