This new 100th memorial year of the begining rule of the imaginary kingdom of the heavens is turniing out to bring windfall profits to the Watchtower Corporation. Already the GB are selling real estate like there was no tomorrow and the way it looks this is just the begining as they try to liquidate assets before the "Great Disappointment" gets in full swing, take the money and run seems to be the new tune for these charlatans.
Faithful to what? 'Corporation Interest' that's what.
Discreet my ass, they are a bunch of old delusional farts that probably can't walk and chew gum at the same time, and soon will need someone to be changing their bed pans because of incontinence. Discretion is better substituted with Delusional and a more accurate qualifier of the nature of these loonie running this end of the world cult.
Slave of what or who? This is the most absurd part of their chosen, made up, fictitious designation, Shyster would be much more fitting especially now that they plan to rob the rank and file for every penny they can squeeze out of these poor under educated lemmings.