Governing Body Are They The Faithful And Discreet Slave Or The Faithful and Discreet Shyster

by frankiespeakin 7 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • frankiespeakin

    This new 100th memorial year of the begining rule of the imaginary kingdom of the heavens is turniing out to bring windfall profits to the Watchtower Corporation. Already the GB are selling real estate like there was no tomorrow and the way it looks this is just the begining as they try to liquidate assets before the "Great Disappointment" gets in full swing, take the money and run seems to be the new tune for these charlatans.

    Faithful to what? 'Corporation Interest' that's what.

    Discreet my ass, they are a bunch of old delusional farts that probably can't walk and chew gum at the same time, and soon will need someone to be changing their bed pans because of incontinence. Discretion is better substituted with Delusional and a more accurate qualifier of the nature of these loonie running this end of the world cult.

    Slave of what or who? This is the most absurd part of their chosen, made up, fictitious designation, Shyster would be much more fitting especially now that they plan to rob the rank and file for every penny they can squeeze out of these poor under educated lemmings.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    A review of WT's history reveals nothing that resembles neither faith nor discretion.

  • zebagain

    I am an Australian. I watched the speech by Dr. Carsen. It was moving as it was sound. He spoke of the need for education with an almost reverence.

    His mother , one of 24 children was herself married at 13. They lived in grinding poverty. She saw to it that her sons were educated by insisting they read two booka a week and then right a report on those books to her. She critically studied those reports to engender ever greater desire in the boys to read more on all sorts of topics. She also could not read herself but they didnt know that.

    He spoke of laws 200 years ago that said it was illegal to educate a slave particularly in reading..... why because reading liberated..

    Some of the comments made of his speech criticised him for 'having a go' (as we say) at President Obama. He was not having a go at him he was openly and decently referring to the probs faced by America today and that is the use of free speech for honourable purpose.

    Education is feared by those who would control. I leave this to you all to ponder.

  • Fernando

    Unfaithful and indiscreet to say the least...

  • Jeannette

    Unfaithful and diseased.

  • villagegirl

    Even the term "faithful and discreet" even the term is wrong.

    its a bad translation, of a translation,

    The three verses they use to establish their own

    personal Hierarchy over other people,

    it is refering to any person who is

    good and faithful and uses their resources

    and stewardship in a good way.

    Its about who is a reliable and creative person ?

    Who buries their talents, or resources out of fear,

    and who uses them ?

    It does not mean what they say it does.

    J B Phillips translates it: ‘Well done!’ said his master,

    ‘you’re a sound, reliable servant. You’ve been trustworthy

    over a few things, now I’m going to put you in charge of many.

    Come in and share your master’s pleasure.’

    Meaning, God wants us to succeed and live abundantly

    and without FEAR. The fearful servant was scolded for

    not using what he he had been given.

    Its about creating abundance in our own lives,

    not enslaving ourselves to eight men in New York , USA.

  • sarahsmile

    I agree with Villagegirl! Why would anyone one faithful need to be discreet. The word discreet just does not sound right.

  • Finkelstein

    More faithful to the lies and corruption which brought them money and power, there was nothing

    discreet about that, it was rather blatant and loud.

    A matter of fact they rent a huge stadiums and invite the public so they can tell their coercive lies,

    they are called International Assemblies.

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