So I just returned from a "memorial" service for one of the JW's I knew.
The eldurr pontificated about how death was the result of sin. Adam sinned, so we all have to bear the results of his sin, and so we die. Okay, so good so far, but then he used Exekial 18: 20 as the proof. The last half states, "A son will bear no guilt because of the error of his father, and a father will bear no guilt because of the error of his son. The righteousness of the righteous one will be accounted to him alone, and the wickedness of the wicked one will be accounted to him alone."
Isn't it "comforting" to know that those words are pretty well meaningless?
Adam, if one believes the story, sinned. But instead of Adam's wickedness being accounted to just him alone, billions of innocents are condemned to death for his sin.