What Better Way Is There For You to Use Your Assets Then to Support Kingdom Interests

by HeyThere 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • HeyThere

    Just heard from the brother doing todays talk...

  • JustVisting

    a noble thought, but we gave enough already, no thanks.

  • blondie

    So has he given up all his assets and gone to following the Christ?

    I can find where a couple with six children sold their house, emptied out savings and retirement plans, and moved to a 3rd world country. Lived in a small house (cheap at US prices), home schooled their children, and learned a new language. Five years later, penniless, ill, they moved back to the US and were bailed out by his parents. But no one ever hears the rest of the story, just the part where they gave away all their assets.


    .What Better Way Is There For You to Use Your Assets Then to Support Kingdom Interests

    Just heard from the brother doing todays talk...

    .............................................I`m Tired,Broke and Hungry.........Me Too!!..Lets Go To The..

    ............................................Working For The Watchtower!..........Catholic Soup Kitchen! ..



    .......................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Calebs Airplane

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