MINIMUS - If You Could Tell A Jehovah's Witness One Thing?

by The Searcher 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Good question, but I can't add a reply to your OP.

    My statement would be this - "If your Governing Body is God's direct channel of communication on earth, why did God use Babylon the Great to reveal a 'new light' to let you all know that the 'evil slave' isn't real, it's "hypothetical"?

    After which, the WTBTS plagiarised the idea and presented it as a "new understanding/clarification" in their Watchtower magazine.

    Please read the NET BIBLE at Matthew 24:48, then read the footnote.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    After which, the WTBTS plagiarised the idea and presented it as a "new understanding/clarification" in their Watchtower magazine.

    Do you know where I can see this new understanding in their publications?

    Thanks !

  • teela(2)

    My life has been great since leaving the witnesses. I am sorry and you have got older, poor and your children do not help you out but that was a choice you made when you decided to belive the caretaker, window washer and cleaner (really they are)who have never been the three wise men. I sorry that you have spent 40 years waiting for armageden so you have no money and are still living in cold rental accomodation. I am sorry that people you love have died waiting for something that will never happen. I am glad that you have faith but I was there for 1975 and I remember that prophecy as much as you want to forget it.

    I say this as I am over 50 now so the witnesses I grew up with are 50 and above. When I do see them (its a small town) they just seem sad.

  • minimus

    The JWs have used Christendom's commentaries and opinions whenever they have wanted to. They borrow ideas as it fits their needs.

  • berrygerry

    Do you know where I can see this new understanding in their publications?

  • kaik

    With my relatives who still believe in that BS, they bring how the new light reveals hidden mysteries in bible and how WT is trully channel of God's communication. I am out for 20 years so the beliefs we had in the 1975-1990 are not the same as in 2014. So my question to them is when the old light was incorrect and indeed wrong, so who was the source of it? If God cannot lie than he could not be the source of the old light. This usually ends all conversation.

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