I have been trying to install into my oldest daughter my thoughts on being productive in life. She is a late riser. I am an early riser along with my youngest daughter. My youngest wakes up about 5:45 with the bigest, brightest smile on her face. I wake up about 5:00 and get my day started. My youngest and I have a pretty solid way to start our day. I wake up and read email and start logistics planning for the day. My youngest wakes up and starts reading her books on her tablet right next to me. It is the cutest thing. We get some of our best time together before the rest of the world is awake. My oldest drags out of bed with a frown on her face and takes forever to get going. This bothers me. I don't know if I am overly worried about it, but I get so much done before lunch. If i woke up late and took a long time to get going, I would be no where as productive on a daily basis. So, my schedule is about a 5:00 wake up and I get rolling imediatly. I work all day except lunch and dinner which I spend with my family. I then usually work until about 10:00 pm and watch a show or two and get to bed about 11:30. What's your schedule?
What's your schedule?
by Defianttruth 4 Replies latest jw friends
I have always been an early riser, doing all my housework before I go out to work, or pioneering for the day. My daughter at about 14 went through a phase of being a grumpy riser, on her days off she wakes up at lunch time. she has no responsibilities, except for work and she is always punctual.
I don't think it's a problem, different people function in different ways. As long as our kids know the lines of communication are open and we can be there for them. If we are busy give them a time we are free. My kids always come to me with their troubles, they come at the right time for them, early risers or not.
Kate xx
Early riser here. I wake up perky, and I've never used caffeine. I raised two night-owls. Don't worry about your late riser; she simply has a different circadian rhythm. My daughter said my wake-up calls were all uncouth, and I tried everything. Tickles, singing, gentleness, sheet-pulling, you name it. None of it worked. One thing my daughter discovered is that she is more rested if she wakes up a half-hour earlier or later. Her sensitivity is being woken mid-way through a sleep cycle!
Echo jgnat. It's an internal thing. You, as mom, can wear yourself to a frazzle trying to get older daughter to comply with what is not natural for her. And she will resent you for it. Good example and gentle suggestion, okay.
My daughter growing up was like your older daughter. Nothing could break it. She decided in recent years to break the pattern herself. That's the only thing that works.
This household is up and at em at 5AM also. Our 3 year old is dropped off at daycare at 630, Hubby and I are at work by 7AM. I work until 430 PM, go pick up our son, get dinner ready and Hubby gets home at 6PM. Evenings are spent watching TV, reading or playing games. Weekends are totally Family Time!! And we sleep until 7 and do our chores in the mornings. Depending on the season we do a verity of things. Bedtime is between 930 and 10PM
Setting a good example of being productive and having a good work ethic will serve your children well in the future as they grow older.