How languages evolved

by suavojr 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • suavojr

    The best explanation for so many languages is because they evolved, were you able to catch that word? They evolved…

    Here is a short video showing how it happened, and is a far better explanation than the Genesis account.

  • FL_Panthers
  • stuckinarut2


    Didnt you read your bible??

    God confused the languages so that a mere four or five story tower couldnt be built! know, so that people couldnt communicate around the world!

    That worked out well now didnt it!!????

    Good thing we dont know how to communicate with other nations!

    So stupid.......

  • redvip2000

    God confused the languages so that a mere four or five story tower couldnt be built!

    lol, exactly! Cause there is no way that people who speak different languages could ever build a structure together, right? Just go to a contruction site in Dubai and see how many difference nationalities there are working together.

    But let's say for a minute that Jehoober really wanted construction to stop in one building in one village in the middle east. The best plan he has is to make everybody on our planet start speaking different languages?

    How utterly stupid.

    Then again, this is the same God who supposedly decided to flood the entire planet and kill all animals, and plants, because he wanted to kill a few humans that live in Noah's town.

  • sir82

    But let's say for a minute that Jehoober really wanted construction to stop in one building in one village in the middle east. The best plan he has is to make everybody on our planet start speaking different languages?

    How utterly stupid.

    Then again, this is the same God who supposedly decided to flood the entire planet and kill all animals, and plants, because he wanted to kill a few humans that live in Noah's town.

    It occurs to me that God's superpowers have evolved, rather like Superman's.

    In his 1938 debut, Superman didn't have x-ray vision. He wasn't able to fly, only leap great distances. Even his skin was vulnerable to "bursting shells" (bullets did no harm).

    Through the 40's and 50's, the writers kept adding more and more superpowers until there was virtually nothing he couldn't do.

    Same thing with Bible-god. At first, he was quite limited. Couldn't "snap his fingers" to kill everyone in Noah's day, had to send a flood. Couldn't "snap his fingers" to stop the towerof Babel, had to confuse the languages.

    By the time you get to Joshua, he's stopping the sun. By Isaiah's time, he is "almighty".

  • suavojr

    Wow sir82! Never saw it that way. I did not know that superman could not fly, WTH!! That is not superman. It goes to show us how mankind creates its own God's but then it is so hard to destroy the concept.

  • Crazyguy

    I too found it interesting how the languages were related as well, proving the evolution and not a God mixing the languages up so no one could talk to another.

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