Could someone help me find info that shows JW's are not to be on the internet or facebook. Hubby says they have never been told not to use the internet by org.
thanks, wandasoo
by wandasoo 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Could someone help me find info that shows JW's are not to be on the internet or facebook. Hubby says they have never been told not to use the internet by org.
thanks, wandasoo
I don't believe they have ever been "told not to use the internet" or any variation of that. What made you think that? Like most things, the society has espoused the "dangers" of the internet and "need for caution" in its use.
Casting dubious shadow over something, is not the same as forbidding it. The society does very little outright forbiddance now that the legal dept writes the articles. :)
They have, etc....
Im not sure it’s in writing but what problemaddict wrote is true. Years ago, maybe a year or so after facebook came out, my wife and I had a “shepherding” call and were strongly counseled about being on facebook. My MIL lost her pioneering status because she refused to delete her account. I lost my “privileges” until I deleted my account.
In the years that followed, they loosened up a little. Each congregation has their own stupid little things to pick on.
Yeah they told ones to be wary of the internet years ago and not to be on facebook but later relaxed it a bit because so many were doing it anyway. There is a couple in my hall that still doesnt have internet because of this and there a pretty young couple. Talk about Idiots
So, then, what should we do with regard to the Internet? Shun it altogether? That may be necessary in some cases. The Internet junkie mentioned earlier did that in order to overcome years of addiction. On the other hand, using the Internet can benefit us, provided we let ‘thinking ability keep guard over us and discernment safeguard us.’—Prov. 2:10, 11.