The changes from 1994 --> today:
1994, tribulation and celestial phenomena (Mt 24:29-31; Mr 13:24-27; Lu 21:25-28): w94 2/15 16-21
1995, “sheep” and “goats” (Mt 25): w13 7/15 6; w06 2/15 30; w97 7/1 30-31; w95 10/15 18-28
“this generation” (Mt 24:34; Mr 13:30; Lu 21:32): w97 6/1 28; w95 11/1 10-21, 30-31
1996, acceptability of customary (tribal) marriage: g96 12/8 23
civilian service in lieu of military service: yb97 16; w96 5/1 19-20
“flesh” saved through “great tribulation” (Mt 24:22): w96 8/15 15-20
great tribulation “cut short” (Mt 24:22): w96 8/15 17-18
1997, transfiguration vision (Mt 17; Mr 9; Lu 9): w97 5/15 9-14
1998, duration of new covenant (Heb 13:20): w98 2/1 22-23
Ezekiel’s vision of restored temple and land (Eze 40-48): w06 2/15 30; w00 3/15 13-14; w99 1/15 9; w99 3/1 8-23
nations blessed through Abraham’s seed (Ge 22:18): w98 2/1 14-15
1999, ‘disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ (Mt 24:15; Mr 13:14): w06 2/15 30; w99 5/1 15-20
2000, blood fractions: w00 6/15 29-31
use of one’s own blood: w00 10/15 30-31; w00 12/15 30
2001, “divorce certificate” for Judah (Isa 50:1): ip-2 152-153
‘doves to birdhouse holes’ (Isa 60:8, 9): w02 7/1 12-13; ip-2 308-309
worshipping Jehovah “with spirit” (Joh 4:24): w06 2/15 30; w02 7/15 15; w01 9/15 28
2002, courtyard in which “great crowd” serve (Re 7:15): w02 5/1 30-31
2003, meaning of baptism of Jewish believers at Pentecost 33 C.E.: w03 5/15 30-31
why some early Christians observed features of the Law: w03 3/15 23-25
2007, start of heavenly resurrection: w07 1/1 27-30
when calling to heavenly hope ceases: w07 5/1 30-31; w07 8/15 19
2008, illustration of dragnet (Mt 13): w08 7/15 20-21
illustration of leaven hidden in flour (Mt 13; Lu 13): w08 7/15 19-21
illustration of man casting seed (Mr 4:26-29): w08 7/15 14-16
illustration of mustard grain (Mt 13; Mr 4; Lu 13): w08 7/15 17-19, 21
Mary’s pain during Jesus’ birth: w08 10/1 23
“this generation” (Mt 24:34; Mr 13:30; Lu 21:32): w10 4/15 10-11; w08 2/15 23-24; w08 4/15 29
2009, “all creation that is under heaven” (Col 1:23): bt 217
resurrection hope for baby dying in womb: w09 4/15 12-13
2010, illustration of wheat and weeds (sowing of seed) (Mt 13:24, 38): w10 3/15 20
illustration of wheat and weeds (wheat brought into storehouse) (Mt 13:30): w10 3/15 22
2011, entering Jehovah’s rest (Heb 4): w11 7/15 24-28
Jesus “a corresponding ransom” (1Ti 2:6): w11 6/15 13; w11 8/15 32
olive tree (Ro 11): w11 5/15 23-25
Peter in Rome: w11 8/1 25
2012, “all these kingdoms” (Da 2:44): w12 6/15 17
feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image (Da 2): w12 6/15 15-16, 19
Mordecai and Esther “divide spoil” in fulfillment of Genesis 49:27: ia 142; w12 1/1 29
ruin caused by “king fierce in countenance” (Da 8:23, 24): w12 6/15 16
toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image (Da 2): w12 6/15 16
when seventh world power emerged: w12 6/15 15, 19
2013, anointed not to survive Armageddon on earth: w13 7/15 5
‘Assyrian comes into our land’ (Mic 5:5): w13 11/15 20
chosen ones gathered (Mt 24:31; Mr 13:27): w13 7/15 5
“evil slave” (Mt 24:48-51): w13 7/15 24
“faithful and discreet slave” (Mt 24:45-47): w13 7/15 8, 20-25
great tribulation: w13 7/15 3-8
illustration of wheat and weeds (Mt 13): w13 7/15 13-14
Jesus comes, arrives (Mt 24, 25): w13 7/15 7-8, 24
Jesus inspects spiritual temple 1914-1919 (Mal 3:1-4): w13 7/15 11-12