So, I'm visiting mom and had a great drive with her today in the mountains. It was gorgeous and a good day overall.
I asked her a little advice about a issue I am having in my marriage/business about going beyond my comfort zone. I am trying to figure out what is reasonable for my husband toask of me socially when it is totally out of my comfort zone and I discussed that I didn't want to be close minded and stubborn just because I am squirming a bit at what he is asking (nothing actually wrong, bad or anything like that, just not natural for me). I told my mom I knew she went out in service when she really doesn't like it (its no secret and not insulting or anything to say this) and she told me she did it because she thinks it is importannt and pleases Jah. I wasn't even tryingn to pick on her religion, but I asked her why? She only ever brought a JW in by 'friendship' witnessing. Our next door neighbor thought my mom was a goodwoman and she liked her and respected her. That iswhy she became a JW ( neighbor's husband, son, and son in law are elders, neighbor and daughter are pioneers) In any case, my mom is the only person I know that joined as a result of the door to door work and that is because her mom was happy to accept the free babysittting from the JW who took my mom to the meetings when she was a baby and my grandma was having another 11 months after my mom was born). I pointed out that we ddin't know any JWs who were met in FS, so it seems a very unproductive thing. She lookedthoughtful,not mad.
Anyway, I was thinking that maybe she will cut off th FS and just go around being nice to her neighbors like she did when our neighbor joined her (my mom was inactive and unbaptised but a true believer back then) She did more for her religion by being a friend than she ever did from torturing herself out inFS. I wish she would stop it. It is a huge stress to her personality.