In reality, they are pretty insignificant.
How Relevant Are Jehovah's Witnesses To You?
by minimus 9 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
They torment me in my dreams. I worry about running into them at the shops and the possibility of them coming to the door. I don't know if the above constitutes relevance, but it is relevant to me. It messes me up. I'm always scripting objections and arguments with them in my mind. It consumes my thoughts and never stops, argh!!
We will have important Elections this year in the US. I was thinking (now that I vote) how little the JWs matter or have any impact on the local or national scene. About as significant as the Amish.
JW's have no clue how non-important their religion is in the world. Now that I have been out of the cult for many years people only mention them if the subject of a nutty religion comes up.
They are certainly not relevant. I would say they are a piddle in a puddle. When I was in I could never "get" how they thought they were important - especially when the average person either didn't know or didn't care about JWs or their beliefs.
I realize that people who are new to the "fade", etc., might have the JW religion on their mind and have a certain amount of mental distress over all the trouble caused to them. This will certainly pass in time.
Then the happy day will come when they will encounter JWs in a store somewhere and they will not even give these nobodies a second thought.
Minimus....thankfully I have been out long
enough that I just snikker at their antics.
Every day Iam just 'gobsmacked' tho, that I
ever did think they were my everything!
They obviously are relevant to all of us here in one way or another.
How relevant are they on the world scene? NADA.
They are the biggest american corporation with presence in most countries of the world.
To know exactly how relevant they are you would need to ask the US government.
So far they have remained silent.
On a scale of 1 to 10?
I'd have to say a zero.