An Indictment against GOD , A blood sacrifice or a non blood sacrifice.Cain & Abel.

by smiddy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this question : Why would the Almighty God sacrifice one of his creations in blood letting to appease him ?

    Does this make any sence at all ? GOD is supposed to have created everything living , human and animals , and then he wants / expects a human to execute one of his creations as a sacrifice to him ?

    Shouldnt he be condemning the one who took the life of one of his creations ? And be praising the one who offered a grain offering ?

    Surely its the grains , harvesting , farming , agriculture , that is the future of the world .

    Not blood letting of GODS creationns


  • FlyingHighNow

    Shouldnt he be condemning the one who took the life of one of his creations ? And be praising the one who offered a grain offering ?

    How do you know he isn't? We know the Bible isn't written by God, so why try to make sense of God, by reading it? If you can figure out how nonsensical creature sacrifice is, then surely God finds those passages in the Bible that deal with sacrifice, non sensical, too.


    I kind of doubt that Jesus went around killing animals. If humans want to kill one another, fine. Just leave the animals out of it!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Do you know that taking the Bible as the literal word of God is a relatively new thing?

  • prologos

    he is supposed to have cursed the ground, so it was hard to grow stuff, yet he spurned the hard work's resuly offered, but

    approved the offering of carrion, that could not be eaten?

    Where does it say this animal was killed just for that sacrificial purpose? was that not a natural death? surely animals did not have everlasting life? their own version of the ' tree of life' ?

    the story is not only fiction, it is badly thought out.

  • Crazyguy

    God likes the smell of BBQ, but really this idea of a animal sacrifice goes way back to ancient religious practices and the bible only copies them. The more you research the more you'll find the bible was a bunch of writings by the hebrews to create a culture and a god for themselves. Many cultures borrow from other cultures as they come on the scene, look at the Romans took from the Greeks and others almost nothing of theirs was original.

  • RichardHaley


    I have wondered this very thing myself... slaughter of the innocents, even if they are animals. I personally find the whole sacrifice of animals concept repulsive and confusing. Of course this can lead to questioning the validy of larger issues...

  • designs

    One of the lessons Christians seemed to miss in the Jewish legend of Abraham and Isaac was that human sacrifice was a no no.

  • pontoon

    Smiddy, how are you? I've said in other posts if you believe the whole creation Adam Eve Cain would have to conclude that Jeh is bloodthirsty and in the beginning after A & E sinned Jeh must have somehow conveyed to them that he wanted blood. He must have taught Adam how to kill, Adam taught his sons and so it went. So maybe Cain thought he was really pleasing Jeh with the blood of his brother, a sacrifice greater than an animal. But you are right, livestock is what was valuable to Able (at that time in history what did he need herds for?) and produce from the fields was what was valuable to Cain. Jeh should have been pleased. But he wanted blood.

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