It's great to see the JW.ORG tract in june, 2 months before the rank and file JW gets their eye on it. JWN is always actual.
Sitting here in the summer sun, drinking my coffee in the early morning, I got a memory about the CO, who visited our former congregation in 2007.
It was the moment we decided to begin our fade and exit strategy. It was the year we stopped preaching and became inactive.
Since 2007 only one elder asked us a question about our fade. It was the secretary. Just after the dead of my grandmother, he forget to give his condoleance, and got straight to his question in mind: I did not get your hours.
Back then: I see him, the CO, standing on the platform saying: "Brothers who think we can use internet for preaching and publishing our publications, are the enemy of Christ. Those who enourage the internet for preaching are apostates".
Now, only a few years later (on the Watchtower timeline), the organization is moving from The Watchtower Society to JW.ORG.
When the CO did his remarks, it was for me an encouragement to leave. It encouraged my reasons to fade away, because the organization has all the marks of a sect, including officials who can say what they want, like the statement above.
It took for our family 5 generations to leave. No shame about it. It's the only good thing to do.