Where is the Love

by cassuk11 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • cassuk11

    Just a comment about shunning. True love is about forgiveness, overlooking faults, putting up with one anothers faults etc etc. Walking in love means being merciful to others. These things dont seem to apply to some organizations. Because they are still stuck in the old covenant law which has ceased in the 1st century. That relaease means we walk in pure love for each other without condemnation and judgement that applies to beleivers and non beleivers. Until churches set themselves free from the emotional , physchological and mental conditioning put upon people by man made systems then they will never see True Love and Light. The fusion between man and God can only take place when we walk in that light and that light is CHrist Jesus and Christ Jesus is pure love

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    How can love apply to an organisation? Does an organisation have feelings?

    Whete does the person with No Skill/ No Talent fit in to an organisationl structure?

    I guarateee you give your life to an organisation and it is only an illusion to think you have found out what its like to be respected. In an organiation you will never be respected for being gentle, kind, sensitve, loving, humble, generouse, ect ect unless you also conform to the teachings. A little difference of opinion multiplied by a thousand becomes an army of rebellion.

    Obiedience and Obay are not the way of love.in my opinion.

  • cassuk11

    I agree as i said until we are set free form the visible things which include organizations, churches religion we will not find the love that is within you. Because pure love there is no law rules etc. We dont need to be taught anything because those things are already within us all those beautiful qualitieswe all possess.

  • designs

    How can you speak of pure love and denigrate Judaism and perpetuate Christ Jesus as the only way. Seems you can't get out of they way of making duplicitous statements.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Well when we take a girl out on that first OH important date, do we give her

    A. flowers

    b) Chocolates

    c) One.

    In your case may i speculate the answer would be A, and on the second date B. But as for " pure love" at some stage you may put c above her pure love?

  • cantleave

    Satan loves you Cussuck

  • garyneal

    This is worthy of the WTWizard and ProdigalSon.


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