The Truth is within you and God himself teaches us all the truth.We cannot find it in a building or religion. The fusion between humankind and God was sealed by Messiah in the 1st century. Until many recognise the KIngdom within there will always be divsions,confusion, etc etc. The realization of the Truth within will come to all eventaully and w ewill enter in.Not through any churhc because the true church cannot be seen or touched and not made with bricks and mortar. We are all pure love and light and that fusion has to take place
You have no need of anyone to teach you anything
by cassuk11 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness My Fury
Take your fingers out of your ears and stop singing la la la for a minute and instead try doing some proper research matey and take off your "I'm special" glasses for once.
No one here likes being preached at and all your posts so far are exactly that. The fact that you cant type for toffee makes it even less likely anyone will take you seriously.
Plenty of people come thru here spouting their brand of crazy, so dont think you stand out as any different, you don't. We've seen it all before many many times and it is always the same old BS in the end.
You think you KNOW something, well you dont know jack. It requires humility to understand this fact and humility to admit it to yourself and go away and do the real hard work of undoing all the BS you have allowed yourself to be sucked into.
The hard work is worth the effort as nothing beats the very real freedom you gain.
All Satan wants is for you to acknowledge his greatness and he will make you a guitar hero.
Captain Obvious
We are all pure love and light
Utter woo woo.
We are intelligent apes with amazingly powerful brains and astonishing potential for good or bad.
Is this a joke?
While I agree with what you are saying, cassuk, I know that I can no more prove that than prove that we are minds operating our avatars in some kind of virtual reality simulation called life. In the end, just live as best as you can.
Now where is ProdigalSon? I'd love to see his response.