I know what the questions ask of baptismal candidates are, but does the one doing the dunking say anything as he immerses the one being baptised?
by Brainfloss 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
I did the baptism in the pool once, 20 or so years ago.
They don't say anything other than telling the dunkee how to hold his nose & arms, and a "ready?" just before the dunk.
It's quite mechanical, nothing spiritual to it at all.
"Hold on to your arm with your hand at the wrist... like this. Bend your knees so you go all the way under. If you don't we'll have to do it again."
finally awake
they asked me if I had ever been baptized as a witness before, then the hold your nose routine.
then the hold your nose routine.
If every single part of your body does not go under the water then the Witnesses in attendance may consider your baptism invalid.
The attendants job is to make certain that every part of your body goes under! (full immersion)
The hold your nose routine assures that it is either your FOREHEAD or HAND that goes under the water last, marking you with the Name; "God's Spirit Directed Organization".
Understand that "God's Spirit Directed Organization" is just a "number of brothers" ............... a man's number!
What I would say to the brother getting ready to baptize me: 'Please drown me now, that's preferable to living as a Jehovah's Witness'.
"It's perfectly safe going under - it's over in a flash. The real drowning starts after you depart from the pool".