Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River

by ablebodiedman 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ablebodiedman

    The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, threatening primarily Syria but also Iraq with a major water crisis. Al-Akhbar found out that the water level in Lake Assad has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of Syrians without drinking water.

    Link: http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/19970


  • Satanus

    Those turkies!


  • eva luna
    eva luna


  • Zoos

    OMG! The end really IS near!

  • Phizzy

    Not a situation to laugh about, many poor people will die.

  • snowbird

    This is what immediately came to my mind.

    Revelation 16

    12 The sixth one poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water dried up, in order to prepare the way for the kings from the east. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs; they came from the mouth of the dragon, from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are miracle-working demonic spirits which go out to the kings of the whole inhabited world to assemble them for the War of the Great Day of Adonai -Tzva’ot. 15 (“Look! I am coming like a thief! How blessed are those who stay alert and keep their clothes clean, so that they won’t be walking naked and be publicly put to shame!”) 16 And they gathered the kings to the place which in Hebrew is called Har Megiddo.

  • Jeannette

    Assad won the election in Syria, making the people happy, and others extremely mad. I wondered what the next step would be.

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