Thought some might find this personal account I came across interesting:
The Offense Rests: A (Rather) Cross Examination of Jehova[h]s Witnesses
by trebor 3 Replies latest jw friends
That is one way of looking at it. As usual, we're all so dumbstruck and don't think beyond like he did.
Jinhee is not that unusual of a JW. She claims the religion of her devout mother (born in), but when living abroad she's been f*cking around with this writer and who-knows-how-many other guys. I'm only surprised that she agreed to hold hands with him in her homeland. OMG! Other JWs might see them!
I always find it fascinating reading the account of someone from 'the outside' reasoning after seeing the Watchtower's propaganda and their thought process and logical conclusion(s).
Being a born-in, I suppose I see these scenarios as the polar opposite of my circumstances and I guess the least probable of possible outcomes/chances in 'alternative universe' or "what if" this happened instead in or to my life.
It's also humbling to think how many individuals I met while preaching the Watchtower's message or trying to place their literature who were actually kind or relatively polite in not pointing out some of the ridiculousness of the message and ‘beliefs’.
Granted and understandably, I came across my fair share of irate, angry, or just plain apathetic responses. However, I am very confident there were more than a few who were very knowledgeable of the Watchtower’s teachings and practices, but perhaps held back from what they saw either as an exercise in futility or an act of kindness in letting me live in my little world of believing I ‘know it all’ (aka “I have the truth”; “God is on *my* side”; “I am a part of the only religion that God approves”).
To say the least, it taught me to be very open minded and not (or at least try not to be) judgmental; the polar opposite of how a Jehovah’s Witness is conditioned by the Watchtower Society.